Audiogon Discussion Forum
2006年1月18日 · I currently own the Electrocompaniet EMC-1 (24/192) and am curious as to how the 1531 would compare to my EMC-1. I have recently a/b compared the Audio Aero Capitole Mk II SE and found it to be a step forward from the Electro. Also on my audition list is the MBL 1531. Any thoughts? If you have any experience with theis MBL player, please chime in.
Has anyone heard an MBL 1531 with an external DAC?
2011年10月14日 · Just a thought. It may be worth your time to consider replacing the 1531 rather than using it as an expensive transport. There are CD Players out there like a Wadia S7i. It's a great CD Player and it's set up with a USB input. There's one for sale on Audiogon right now.
MBL 1531 cdp vs. Wadia 861 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
2004年10月28日 · Can some one provide your comments or audition experiences on new MBL 1531 cdp? Or even the comments on MBL 1531 vs. Wadia 861 (standard version).Thanks...
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2013年5月30日 · I am looking at the possibilities of a transport change from my trusty MBL 1531, and candidates vary but I'm keen to hear any views from those that have have any first hand experience going from the MBL 15xx series, to the 1621a. I know Teajay has made a similar move, perhaps others too, so any thought's would be very gratefully received..
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2007年11月16日 · 1531 uses CD-Pro2M from Philips. It costs ~ 300 EUR form daisy laser.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2008年9月13日 · Sorry for the newbee question but I have the MBL 1531 transport and 1511 DAC- If I want to get into SACD can I just get a transport and use the 1511 DAC?? If so any suggestions for a reasonably priced used transport to play my SACD's= Does the quality of the player matter or is it the dac- For example I have a Pioneer 59 universal player that I ...
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2010年4月5日 · Hi In my opinion I say go for it,I got the SBP-64X with the MD-1 transport and I love it,very well designed units,the best Krell effort in digital.The Reference 64 comes with better power supply.In todays market it would cost over 20 thousand (maybe more who knows for sure)for equivalent dac with similar circuitry and casework.
Laser assembly for MBL 1531 cd.Cost and type used
2007年11月16日 · Thanks Mike, glad to hear you're up and running. The 1531 is really a terrific player IMO.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2006年3月14日 · MBL 1531 cdp (Siltech G6 Ruby Hill new Cryo) Audio Research Reference III preamp (VH Audio Airsine (imported from US) Krell FBP 200c class A pwramp internal powercord. Harmonix HS101GP 1.5 meter XLR Verity Audio Fidelio Encore speakers Purenote Paragon Enhanced 2.5 meter spk cable PS Audio P500 Powerplant results: 1.
Audiogon Discussion Forum
2013年11月10日 · Sounded like my MBL 1531 CDP which was/is no slouch! Without listening to the MBL vs MC 501A (MBL is in for repairs) side by side I have no idea what the differences are? I'm very pleased with the MC 501A :-) The Oppo BDP 105 sounds good in my system as a CDP but the 501A is the winner; more refined, better sound stage and bass slam to my liking.