德国制造 MBL 8011S 次旗舰后级功放机 - Gzhifi.com
8011是在杂志社五坪大的聆听室里听的,数字讯源采用McIntosh MCD7010,前级用Ayre K-1。 喇叭呢? 我准备了二对,而且都是来自德国的产品,其中一对就是mbl自家的300D,另一对则是Burmester的995。
Does anyone have experience with MBL 8011 amps?
2004年1月30日 · MBL 8011 is, by all means, an awesome amp. You may check its website for its awarded 8011S. In my opinion, it can rock and it can sound. MBL has the reputation of delivering very coherent, detailed, warm, and noble sound, but at an expensive cost.
mbl最具战斗力的后级扩大机-mbl 8011M后级 - 音响贵族 …
2008年2月22日 · 8011则比较特殊,打自十多年前第一代的8010开始,它就是mbl众多后级中最具战斗力的产品,十多年来它一代又一代地改,一次又一次地精益求精,无论是价位或者声音表现,8011都可说是它家最超值的后级扩大机。
mbl 8011 - Positive Feedback
The 8011AM is the latest amplifier in mbl's Noble Line, the middle of their three lines. They call it compact. While diminutive compared to the 9007s at 75 lbs, they are not small or light (55 lbs), although one person can easily hoist an amp.
C/P值最高的mbl后级-评mbl 8011后级扩大机 (3) - Gzhifi.com
而8011本来就是Stereo后级,它在8欧姆负载下每声道就有210瓦,4欧姆负载时310瓦。 所以,若是喇叭阻抗曲线相当平顺,不难驱动的话,用8011可能还更经济实惠。
C/P值最高的mbl后级-评mbl 8011后级扩大机 - whaudio.com
MBL 8011AM Mono Balanced Power Amplifier; 8011 M; Silver
"The mbl 8011AM amplifier may be an introvert (non-aggressive, not outgoing), but you'll find it the strong, silent type, holding back its large power reservoir until provoked, whereupon it ramps up cleanly and effortlessly. It is in total control as it lays out a precise soundstage with tons of non-invasive detail for your delectation.
MBL Noble 8011AM Monoblocks - ACE PREMIUM HIFI
The MBL Noble 8011AM Monoblock Power Amplifiers is in perfect condition with no dents, never repaired before and was slightly used. Comes in Original Packaging. Brand: MBL Type: Monoblock Power Amplifiers Model: 8011AM. Specifications: Power output: 210W per channel into 8 ohms, 310W per channel into 4 ohms, 380W per channel into 2 ohms
mbl 8011 二手價格 | HifiZero
徵:mbl 8011或mbl其它型號後級 120000 120000 twd twd. myav 需訂閱會員 2024-11-27. 高雄-音響驛站 mbl 8011 後級(歡迎器材交換、買賣) 120000 120000 twd twd. yahoo奇摩拍賣 需訂閱會員 ...
MBL最具战斗力的后级扩大机mbl 8011M后级 - whaudio.com
2007年10月30日 · 过去mbl推出的后级,只有两款是从原本的立体声改成单声道版本。 首例是巨无霸后级9010变成9011,再来就是8011变成8011M,而且二者的推出时间相去不远。