Integrated Amplifier C51 - MBL
The C51 Integrated Amplifier represents the perfect blend of beauty and functionality. Gorgeous to look at and brilliant in design, the C51’s five discrete softkey buttons are located above a seductive, blue-light display that’s elegantly poised over a solid brass knob.
MBL Corona C51 Integrated Amplifier - The Absolute Sound
2014年5月20日 · The C51 outputs a healthy 180Wpc into 8 ohms and 300Wpc into 4 ohms—specs that are identical to those of the C21 stereo amplifier I’d encountered previously. The C51’s preamp stage uses a sophisticated analog volume control operable via …
有新意的「頂尖」入門-mbl C51綜擴/C31數位訊源 - U-Audio 試 …
C31數位訊源搭配C51綜合擴大機,您只需要搭配一對喇叭,就成了一套優質的Hi End音響系統,基本上坐擁300瓦大功率的C51,挑選喇叭幾乎沒有限制,推起U-Audio編輯部裡面的Admonitor、KEF LS 50,那真是舉重若輕,此間代理商準備的搭配則是mbl自家116F落地喇叭,推 …
MBL Corona C51 Integrated - Positive Feedback
The C51 is an integrated amplifier that combines a powerful, linear power supply and analog class D power amplifier. Christian Hermeling prefers to speak of ‘class D' in inverted commas. In his interview for the "Mono & Stereo" magazine in 2010, and hence before the launch of the Corona product line, he described class D in the following words:
非傳統的Class D放大器-mbl C51綜合擴大機 - U-Audio 新聞
C51綜合擴大機輸出功率為每聲道300瓦,電流量為20安培,並配載了8顆6,800 uf濾波電容。C51還使用了傳統類比音量控制,開機時的輸出音量可自行設定,以避免一開機就聲音過大。為了好聲,C51沒有使用到的檔位可以設定為關閉,以避免干擾...
【器材测评】依然尊贵无比:MBL Corona C51 - 搜狐
2017年6月23日 · 打开机箱终于真相大白,C51采用的是MBL独家的LASA(Linear Analog Switching Amplifier)技术,也就是D类放大所以功率模块只需要小小的散热片就可有效的工作。不过即使如此,C51的底板上也有将冷空气导入的散热孔,以免整个机箱温度过高,影响电子组件的 …
藝聲MBL Corona C51,依然尊貴無比-普洛影音網
2 天之前 · 藝聲MBL Corona C51,依然尊貴無比 MBL特別重視電源,光是濾波電容,就用了12顆高品質、大容量的6,800μF電解電容。 大陣仗的濾波電容就在後級模組的附近,供應充沛的電源。
MBL Audio Cadenza Line C51 Integrated Amplifier
The C51 provides the strong foundation of a simpler system by carefully combining the functions of the preamp and amplifier in one elegant chassis. No compromises here, discrete components fill the input section, and our trail-blazing LASA technology provides a powerful and efficient amplifier…MBL to its core.
有新意的「顶尖」入门-mbl C51合并功放 C31数位讯源 CD播放器
2020年3月20日 · C31数位讯源搭配C51综合扩大机,您只需要搭配一对喇叭,就成了一套优质的Hi End音响系统,基本上坐拥300瓦大功率的C51,挑选喇叭几乎没有限制,推起U-Audio编辑部里面的Admonitor、KEF LS 50,那真是举重若轻,此间代理商准备的搭配则是mbl自家116F落地喇 …
The C51 provides the strong-hearted foundation of a simpler system by carefully combining the functions of the preamp and amplifier in one elegant chassis. No compromises here, discrete components fill the input section, our trail-blazing LASA technology provides a powerful and efficient amplifier… MBL to its core.
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