BMW 3 Series (E90) - Wikipedia
The fifth generation of the BMW 3 Series range of compact executive cars is designated under the model codes E90 (saloon), E91 (estate, marketed as 'Touring'), E92 (coupé) and E93 (convertible).
“宝马E90”是值得入手的二手“运动款”车型吗? - 知乎
宝马3系(E90)目前在二手车市场流通最多的有三款规格,分别是318i、320i以及325i。 以2011款为例,318i版本搭载2.0L直列四缸发动机(低功率),最大功率100kW(136Ps),最大扭矩180N·m;320i版本搭载2.0L直列四缸发动机(高功率),最大功率112kW(152Ps),最大扭矩200N·m;325i版本搭载宝马当家的2.5L直列六缸发动机,最大功率160kW(218Ps),最大扭矩250N·m。 与这三款发动机匹配的皆为6速 手自一体变速箱。 对于这三款的购车意见,318i车 …
What is an E90 BMW? A Complete Guide - BMW Insights
2024年4月17日 · This complete BMW E90 guide explores the history, models, engines, technology and ownership experience of BMW's 5th generation 3 Series produced from 2004-2013.
BMW 3系绝唱之作 宝马 (E90)335i - 懂车帝
2021年9月6日 · 官方0~100km/h加速为5.6秒,这个成绩与搭载2.0T的现款330li仅快了0.3秒,但是从驾驶感受与加速体验上大有不同。 外观方面,E90车头部分利用线条让造型看起来多了些肌肉感,前大灯组中的天使眼与双肾型格栅成为了代表性特征。 那时候的3系长度仅为4531mm,轴距为2760mm,车身尺寸不大,但整体足够饱满,符合当下的审美标准。 内饰方面,E90是首次加入iDrive系统和液晶显示屏的3系车型,内饰取消了之前的倾斜式中控台设计,采用对称式双驼峰 …
50 Years of the BMW 3 Series: The E90 (Fifth Generation)
2025年3月10日 · Discover the history of the BMW E90 3 Series, its performance, M3 V8 legacy, and why it remains an underrated gem in BMW’s 3 Series evolution.
BMW M3 E90, E92 and E93
With its high-reving capability, the V8 engine of the BMW M3 E90, E92 and E93 provides a motorsport feeling and outstanding performance. At this rev speed, each of the eight pistons covers a distance of 20 metres per second.
BMW 3 Series - E90 Market - CLASSIC.COM
This new generation is known collectively as the E90, yet each body style features a unique chassis code: E90 (Sedan), E91 (Touring), E92 (Coupe), E93 (Convertible). The fifth …
【每周一车Vol.4】宝马3系 E90 - 知乎专栏
E90 3系发布于2004年,其中四门轿车Sedan为E90,旅行车Touring对应E91,双门轿跑Coupe为E92,敞篷车Cabriolet为E93。 这代3系推出自汽油车的巅峰时期,它代表了汽油车的黄金年代,这时候的汽车相对来说还是机械感更强一点,不像现在越来越电子化了。
Specs for all BMW E90 3 Series versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a BMW E90 3 Series version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts.
BMW 3 Series 5th Generation (E90) - What To Check Before You …
2024年5月10日 · A perennial BMW strong point, the BMW 3 Series 5th generation (E90) was lauded for its driving dynamics, delivering a ride that is firm and superbly damped, but not harsh, and best-in-class...