MC-50A Contactor - Powerful 50 AMP, 3-Pole Solution | Kent …
LS Metasol MC-50a 3-pole contactor rated for 25 H.P. @ 230 volt, 40 H.P. @ 460 volt 3 phase and has an AC rated coil (specify coil voltage above). This 50 AMP AC-3 contactor (70 AMP AC-1) comes with screw terminals, can be mounted on DIN rail or screwed to the panel back plate and comes with two side mounted auxiliary contacts, each having 1 ...
MC-50A 230VAC 1A1B
LS ELECTRIC MC-50A 230VAC 1A1B | 接触器: 3 极; NO x3; 辅助接触: NO + NC; 230VAC; 50A; 面板上,用于 DIN 导轨安装; 螺钉端子 - 产品在Transfer Multisort Elektronik,查看更多我们的产品
MC-50A 24VDC 1A1B - Transfer Multisort Elektronik
LS ELECTRIC MC-50A 24VDC 1A1B | Contactor: 3-pole; NO x3; Auxiliary contacts: NO + NC; 24VDC; 50A - This product is available in Transfer Multisort Elektronik. Check out our wide range of products.
LS MC-50A-AC240 Metasol 50 AMP contactor | 240 volt AC coil
LS Metasol MC-50a-AC240 3-pole contactor rated for 25 H.P. @ 230 volt, 40 H.P. @ 460 volt 3 phase and has a 240 volt AC rated coil. This 50 AMP AC-3 contactor (70 AMP AC-1) comes with screw terminals, can be mounted on DIN rail or screwed to the panel back plate and comes with two side mounted auxiliary contacts, each having 1 normally open and ...
MC-50A-AC120V CONTACTOR, 50A, 120VAC Coil 50/60HZ, 2 …
2012年4月17日 · LS Electric Metasol Contactor, 50 Amp, Box Lug Terminals Electric, 120VAC, 50/60Hz, 2 N.O. / 2 N.C. Aux., Compatible Overload Relay MT-63. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Looking for specific info?
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【LS电气MC-50a】LS电气 Metasol MS接触器 MC-50a AC220V …
全新原装LS产电交流接触器MC-50a 220VAC替代老款GMC-50
这是全新原装LS产电交流接触器MC-50a 220VAC替代老款GMC-50的详细页面。 品牌:LS产电,型号:MC-50a,额定电流:50A(A),极数:3P,主触头触点形式:3,辅助触点型式:11【1常开1常闭】,线圈频率:请咨询(Hz),订货号:请咨询,额定电压:AC220V(V),外形尺寸:请咨询(mm),主触头极数:3,类型:接触器,产品系列:MC,机械寿命:请咨询(万次),电寿命:请咨询(万次),产品认证:CCC,适用范围:电工电气自动化机械设备,物料编号:请咨询,3C证书 …
LS原装产电交流接触器MC-50A/65A代替GMC-50/65 AC110V 220V AC220V MC-50A …
LS原装产电交流接触器MC-50A/65A代替GMC-50/65 AC110V 220V AC220V MC-50A图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
MC-50A-DC24V Altech | Mouser 臺灣 - Mouser Electronics
下載免費的 庫載入器,為ECAD工具轉換此文件。 瞭解更多關於 ECAD 型號的資訊。 至少選中以上一個核取方塊以顯示在此類別中類似的產品。 MC-50A-DC24V Altech 接觸器 - 機電 資料表、庫存和定價。
MC-50A/AC208-L Metasol Contactor, 208V, 3p, 50A, Lug
MC-50A/AC208-L Metasol Contactor, 208V, 3p, 50A, Lug [MC-50A/AC208-L] - LS / LG Metasol Contactor MC50A, 208 Volt Coil, 3 Pole, 50 Amp, Lug terminals, 2NO/2NC auxiliary contacts Compatible Overload Relay MT-63, see below for the Range Options: 4~6 Amp Range 5~8 Amp Range 6~9 Amp Range 7~10 Amp Range 12~18 Amp Range 9~13 Amp Range 16~22 Amp ...
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