MC3361 Datasheet(PDF) - Motorola, Inc
MC3361 Product details The MC3361B includes an Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting Amplifier, Quadrature Discriminator, Active Filter, Squelch, Scan Control and Mute Switch. This device is designed for use in FM dual conversion communications equipment.
Switch. This device is designed for use in FM dual conversion communications equipment. •Operates from 2.0 to 8.0 V Supply •Low Drain Current 2.8 mA Typical @ VCC = 4.0 Vdc •Excellent Sensitivity: Input Limiting Voltage –3.0 dB = 2.6 µV Typical •Low Number of External Parts Required •Operating Frequency Up to 60 MHz •Full ESD ...
The MC3361 is designed for use in FM dual conversion communication equipment. It mainly consists of a narrow band FM demodulation system operable to less than 2.0V supply voltage. Besides of FM demodulator, MC3361 includes a mixer, crystal oscillator, second IFAMP, filter Amp, squelch circuitry, scan control and mute switch.
JTN单片窄带调频接收电路——MC 3361 - 道客巴巴
2012年5月28日 · 单片窄带调频接收电路——MC3361 深圳市凌雁电子有限公司 MC3361 数据手册[Datasheet] MC3361 是美国 MOTOROLA 公司生产的单片窄带调频接收电路主要应用于语音通讯的无线接收机。
MC3361芯片:低功耗窄带FM IF功能与应用 - CSDN文库
"MC3361是一款低功耗、窄带FM中频 (IF)集成电路,常用于双转换FM通信设备。 它集成了振荡器、混频器、限幅放大器、正交鉴频器、有源滤波器、静音控制、扫描控制和静噪输入等功能。 这款芯片能在2.0至8.0V的电源电压下工作,并具有低电流消耗,典型值为3.9mA(当VCC=4.0Vdc时)。 其卓越的灵敏度表现为:输入限幅电压为-3.0dB时,典型值为2.6μV。 此外,MC3361需要的外部组件数量少,可操作频率高达60MHz。 " MC3361芯片的主要特性与功能包括: 1. **集成 …
MC3361 恩智浦-NXP_PDF_数据手册_Datasheet_规格书_恩智浦-NXP产品 - 半导小芯 | MC3361 ...
The MC3361B includes an Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting Amplifier, Quadrature Discriminator, Active Filter, Squelch, Scan Control and Mute Switch. This device is designed for use in FM dual conversion communications equipment.
- [PDF]
The MC3361B includes an Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting Amplifier, Quadrature Discriminator, Active Filter, Squelch, Scan Control and Mute Switch. This device is designed for use in FM dual conversion communications equipment. •Operates from 2.0 to 8.0 V Supply. •Low Drain Current 3.9 mA Typical @ VCC = 4.0 Vdc.
使用MC3361做普通调频收音机是否可行?? - 〓矿石机技术区〓
2008年11月6日 · mc3361 是FM窄带中放,是对讲机专用IC。 窄带调频,主要是做遥控和语音通信,带宽只有调频广播的1/2左右,所以收听广播时声音干涩。 我使用的是米兹米的FM高频头完成从高频到10.7M的一次变频,滤波后输入到3361与本振10.245M混频,输出的中频455K,经455K滤波器后进行鉴频输出音频,示波器观察中频10.7M和455K的波形都还可以. 问题是:当电台的音频调制信号很小时 (比如主持人暂时没有说话时),455K滤波器输出波形是很漂亮的正弦波, (以下是我的分析) …
MC3361 数据表 (PDF) - Motorola, Inc - alldatasheetcn.com
The MC3361B includes an Oscillator, Mixer, Limiting Amplifier, Quadrature Discriminator, Active Filter, Squelch, Scan Control and Mute Switch. This device is designed for use in FM dual conversion communications equipment.
MC3361 - The RadioReference Wiki
2016年2月10日 · The Motorola MC3361 are a series of FM receiver chips. The MC3361 is intended for use in a dual heterodyning receiver, also called "dual conversion". In dual conversion, a first step of electronics lowers the radio frequency (RF) input signal from the antenna to the intermediate frequency (IF).
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