电路图 MCB-C16/1P什么意思? - 百度知道
微型断路器,简称MCB(Micro Circuit Breaker/ Miniature Circuit Breaker),是建筑电气终端配电装置引中使用最广泛的一种终端保护电器。 用于125A以下的单相、 三相 的短路、过载、过压等保护,包括单极1P,二极2P、三极3P、四极4P等四种。
断路器上面 MCB-63/3P/D32 是什么意思 - 百度知道
1.MCB是miniature circuit breake的缩写即微型断路器,中文简称微断 2.63A代表框架电流,即此断路器触头容量最大能承受63A的电流. 3.3P是3pole即三极的缩写,即用于三相回路。
UL489 Miniature Circuit Breakers | ABB US
UL489 miniature circuit breakers (MCBs) ensure electrical safety in multiple applications. UL489 MCBs feature two different tripping mechanisms, the delayed thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection, and the magnetic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection.
BK63H UL1077 MCB • Pole : 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P • Rated current : 1~63A • Curve : B, C, D • Rated short current : 10kA • Accessory : AX, AL, SHT, UVT BK63H-UL 1P BK63H-UL 2P BK63H-UL 3P BK63H-UL 4P. 4 Accessory / Circuit diagrams (BK63HU) Miniature Circuit Breakers Type AX-H AL-H Appearance Rating AC circuit 6A at 240VAC
A9N18106 - Acti9 iC65N DC 1P C 6A MCB | 施耐德电气
Acti9 iC65N DC 1P C 6A MCB. A9N18106. Environmental Data. Environmental Data. 碳足迹 (kg CO2 eq.) 18. Use Again.
【施耐德R9F44116】施耐德Resi9系列微型断路器MCB 1P C16A …
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เบรคเกอร์ MCB Schneider iC65N 1P/2P/3P ( C6-63A )
This Acti9 iC65N is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker (MCB). It is a 3P circuit breaker with 3 protected poles, 63A rated current and C tripping curve. The rated short circuit breaking capacity goes up to 20kA at 220VAC to 240VAC conforming to EN/IEC 60947-2 standard and 6000A at 400VAC conforming to EN/IEC 60898-1 standard.
M9U31163 - Miniature circuit breaker (MCB), Multi9 C60H-DC, 1P, …
This Multi9 C60H-DC is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker (MCB) dedicated to direct current. It is a 1P circuit breaker with 1 protected pole, 63A rated current and D tripping curve.
MCB Manufacturer 1P 2P 3P 4P 6kA 10kA 1-63A MZ65 Pure …
2022年5月21日 · Professional Miniature Circuit Breaker 1-63A Mini MCB DZ47-63 1P 2P 3P Copper RCBO/MCB/MCCB 4P 25A Rated Current 4.5kA 6kA
A9N61505 - Miniature circuit breaker (MCB), Acti9 C60H-DC, 1P, …
This Acti9 C60H-DC is a low voltage direct current miniature circuit breaker (MCB). It has 1P, rated current 5A and C tripping curve. The rated short circuit breaking capacity goes up to …
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