Solved: Unfreeze (MCK) Code - O2 Community
2020年7月10日 · Hi, Second time posting this, hope I have the right place. I need an unfreeze (MCK) code for a Samsung that is locked to o2, and has had the network provided code …
Solved: MCK code for Samsung S9plus - O2 Community
2021年12月10日 · Hi O2 community, I received an unlock code for Samsung S9 plus from O2 to unlock the device. However, I now n eed an unfreeze (MCK) code for a Samsung, probably …
Solved: Phone asking for MCK code - O2 Community
2023年11月1日 · My sister just brought him a SIM card to use, but the phone was locked to O2 and it seems he's attempted to unlock himself, resulting in the phone now asking for an MCK …
Solved: MCK Needed - O2 Community
2020年8月26日 · However -if- the MCK is correct then immediately afterwards it will then ask for the network unlock code, ie: the regular one you normally use if its not locked out. No usually …
Solved: Enter MCK. network unlock code blocked. Too many i.
2022年1月27日 · MCK code required. Samsung galaxy S9 in Android 08-01-2024; Enter MCK code - Too many incorrect attempts in Android 25-10-2020; Xperia Z3 Pin Lock in Android 09 …
Solved: MCK code required for phone - O2 Community
2023年10月12日 · Hello, Just moved to O2 from another provider, porting my old number. The SIM did not immediately work on the phone. I received an unlatch code, but this code did not …
Enter MCK code - Too many incorrect attempts - O2 Community
2020年10月25日 · MCK code required. Samsung galaxy S9 in Android 08-01-2024; Unlock code doesn't work in Android 18-03-2022; Enter MCK. network unlock code blocked. Too many …
Network SIM Unlock Code Problem - O2 Community
2017年11月20日 · NCK is code to unlock network which I was given that never worked. MCK is a code to unfreeze it if you enter that code wrong too many times.. which I never done. I refuse …
MCK code needed for galaxy s10 - O2 Community
2024年4月15日 · Hi Dave, was advised you could help in regards to the MCK code, i am an o2 customer switching from galaxy A40 to galaxy s10, the sim was askig for a pin, called o2 gave …
MCK Code - O2 Community
2020年9月26日 · Hi, I was an O2 pay monthly customer up until May this year, when I switched to Vodafone. In the process of changing networks, I was given a PAC code as the phone was …