Why do people hate My Chemical Romance? : r/Emo - Reddit
2023年1月8日 · MCR regardless of whether they're actually "emo", are probably the biggest culture poster for the genre. Most people think MCR when they hear emo, especially if they …
My Chemical Romance is not a good band and is overrated.
2021年7月12日 · But My Chemical Romance is one of the few rock bands from that era where I just cringe whenever I hear it. Now that doesn’t mean I hate every song from them, but I just …
Why are people weird about MCR? : r/MyChemicalRomance - Reddit
Almost all media outlets branded MCR a suicide cult (more around the time TBP released) and spread a lot of hate. This obviously caused a lot of parents to then also be anti emo, so you …
5 Reasons Why People HATE My Chemical Romance - YouTube
2018年5月30日 · Despite the break-up, they have dedicated fans that remain active, but also dedicated haters. Let's see what happens on today's episode. Watch more Hate It Or Love It: • …
My Chemical Romance: What the hell is this crap? Tell them that I hate …
2007年3月13日 · The article was horrible. There was Billy Corgan rimming, and nauseating quotes from MySpace kids that claim MCR's music saved them from suicide, and yada yada. …
Why is there so much hate/frustration towards dunes?
Probably not the place to ask this, but I’m kinda scared to go to the actual sub and ask. I’m seeing posts on Twitter like “sucks that I...
MCR love it? OR hate it? - habboxforum.com
hello i was bored this afternoon listening to my MCR cd and thought who else likes MCR and who else is going to see them in november?? the poll is open for 3 days vote if u want to
我的另類羅曼史 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
我的另類羅曼史 (英語: My Chemical Romance,簡稱 MCR)是一組來自 美國 紐澤西 的 摇滚 樂團,成立於2001年,解散於2013年,后于2019年10月31日宣布回归。 在乐队的大部分时 …
Your honest thoughts on the MCR fandom? : r/MyChemicalRomance - Reddit
2022年4月18日 · I honestly hate the MCR fandom. I used to be a massive fan of the band, but my experiences with the fans have completely ruined that band. The constant shipping of …
My Chemical Romance - Urban Dictionary
2005年9月17日 · My Chemical Romance is undr the genre of post hardcore. A VERY SMALL AMOUNT of their earlier songs MIGHT have passed for metal, but they are a "Post Hardcore" …