McDonnell Douglas MD-80 - Wikipedia
The MD-88 has the same weight, range, and airfield performance as the other long-body aircraft (MD-82 and MD-83) and is powered by the same engines. MDC quotes a typical range for the MD-88 as 2,050 nmi (3,800 km; 2,360 mi) with 155 passengers.
McDonnell Douglas MD-88 - Aero Corner
The MD-88 is designed with tricycle landing gear that provides better visibility on the ground. It has a wheelbase of 22.05 meters. Other modifications added into the MD-88 consist of an airborne wind shear warning system that is used to detect wind shear conditions, and general modernization of the aircraft’s cabin interior.
MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD-88 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The MD-88 was the the last variant of the MD-80 which was launched on January 23, 1986 on the back of orders and options from Delta Air Lines for a total of 80 aircraft. The MD-88 is, depending on specification, basically similar to the MD-82 or MD-83 except that it incorporates an EFIS cockpit instead of the more traditional analogue flight ...
Aircraft By Type - Delta Flight Museum
MD-88 and MD-90 fleets replaced with newer, more efficient aircraft: Airbus A220s, A321s and A321neos. Retirement accelerated by several years due to the COVID-19 downturn. Developed from the original Douglas DC-9, with twice the passenger capacity of the first version, and modernized engines and avionics.
MD-88 And MD-90: Why Delta Was Key To The Mad Dog
2021年9月20日 · Delta had 185 MD-88s and MD-90s, whose retirement was accelerated to June 2020 because of the pandemic. With virtually eight in ten seats since 2006, Delta was utterly vital for both Mad Dog variants. We look back at how it used them.
McDonnell Douglas MD-81/82/83/88 - Airliners.net
MD-88 - Operating empty 35,369kg (77,976lb), max takeoff 67,810kg (149,500lb). Wing span 32.87m (107ft 10in), length 45.06m (147ft 10in), height 9.02m (29ft 7in). Wing area 112.3m2 (1209sq ft). Flightcrew of two. Max seating for 172. Typical two class seating for 142, comprising 14 premium and 128 economy class pax.
McDonnell Douglas MD-88: Info, Features & Fun Facts - Epic …
Discover the McDonnell Douglas MD-88, used by Delta, LASER, and World Atlantic. Learn about its features, history, and more!
達美航空1288號班機事故 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
达美航空 1288号班机 是一架从 佛罗里达州 的彭萨科拉地区机场飞往 亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场 的定期航班。 执飞该航线的是一架配有两台普惠JT8D-219引擎 的麦道 MD-88 型客机。 1996年7月6日,该机载着137名乘客和5名机组成员在从彭萨科拉区域机场17跑道起飞时,发生了灾难性的引擎故障。 当时从飞机左侧引擎前压缩机轮殼飞出的碎片击穿了左后部机身,造成机上两名乘客死亡,亦有两名乘客重伤。 所有的遇难者都来自于同一个家庭。 事件发生后,机长终 …
MCDONNELL DOUGLAS MD-88 Specifications: The Ultimate Guide
2024年9月26日 · The McDonnell Douglas MD-88 is a stretched version of the MD-80, with a longer fuselage and a higher seating capacity. It is a popular choice for short- and medium-haul routes due to its reliability, efficiency, and relatively low operating costs.
达美老古董MD-88体验,PIT-ATL 支线航班 First Class 头等舱
2020年3月10日 · 达美的麦道88并不像717是从别的倒闭的公司拿来的,MD-88可是一直在达美机队,从上个世纪80/90年代一直服役到现在。据wiki显示目前世界上还有197架麦道80系列飞机在运行,达美有48架麦道88。保有量位居第一。