Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission
The Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission seeks to secure the equitable and timely administration of the provisions of the Maryland Workers' Compensation law on behalf of its customer, the injured workers and their employers, by providing an efficient forum for the resolution of individual claims.
MD Workers' Compensation Forms
Request the WCC Employer's First Report of Injury form hardcopy to be mailed via US Postal Service mail. Filed by the employer or their workers' compensation insurance carrier via our CompHub portal if registered. The injured worker will file the Employee Claim Form C-1.
MD WCC Contact Information, Commissioners
Technical questions about this web site (Websupport Team) : [email protected]. TELEPHONE NUMBERS. General Information: (410) 864-5100 Outside Baltimore Metro Area Toll Free: 1 (800) 492- 0479. Certificate of Compliance : (410) 864-5297. Maryland Relay for the hearing impaired Dial 711 in Maryland or 1-800-735-2258
Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission Home
Note: Notifications will not be generated or mailed, and the Commission will not act on any information entered into the test environment. The test environment will be a different color than the production environment. Instead of green, it will be blue so that you know you are not actually filing documents with the WCC.
Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission Claim Inquiry
The Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission Public Claim Information Inquiry access is provided to supply those who have a legitimate business or personal need for claim-specific information from the Commission.
Maryland State Workers' Compensation Commission
Contact: Regina W. Brown (410) 864-5327; e-mail: [email protected] Appointed by State Workers' Compensation Commission to 3-year terms: Charles Smolkin, Chair, 2016
Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission File a Claim
Read the below instructions to proceed with claim creation. 1. This File a Claim is only to be used by the claimant who don’t want to register to CompHub. Please note that incorrect claim may be rejected. 2. You must enter a valid email address to receive claim status information. 3. The claim must be completed in English. 4.
MD WCC Online Claim Inquiry Instructions
Access to MD WCC claim information via the Claim Information Inquiry requires the input of two (2) available data fields. Recommended are: Last 4 digits of the valid Social Security number and ONLY the first three (3) letters of the claimant's full last (sur)name. No information is returned unless any two (2) fields are correctly completed.
The Maryland Workers’ Compensation Commission seeks to secure the equitable and timely administration of the provisions of the Maryland Workers’ Compensation law on behalf of its customers, the injured workers and their employers, by providing an efficient forum for the resolution of individual claims. VISION
Elizabeth Fletcher, Secretary to Commission (410) 864-5315; e-mail: [email protected] ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON THE REGISTRATION OF REHABILITATION PRACTITIONERS Staff: vacancy