ME55 - Collective release - SAP Community
Hello, I have a doubt in ME55, For one of my PR they need a release from two codes.One is C1 and another C2. When checked the t.code I came to know that the release can be done first for C1 and aga
ME54N and ME55 - SAP Community
Hi all, I have 1 questions: When we release the PR using ME54N or ME55, if we want to pop-up a window to remind user to get the off-line approvel, how should I do?
ME55 - OSS Note 65774 - SAP Community
I have a requirement to add some addition fields in collective Release of PR - ALV display in ME55 Transaction. I have came across a Note 65774 which gives an option to add custome screens and the data retrieval techniques for that purpose.
Cost Center field in ME55 Report (Change Layout) - SAP Community
In ME55 (Collective Release for PReq) Cost Center is available as one of the "Selection fields", but it's (Cost Center field) NOT available in Change Layout Function (after you execute the report). The requirement is the user want to see the Cost Center field in the ME55 report layout instead of having to drill down to each PR to see the Cost ...
ME54 customization- Releasing Purchase Requizition - SAP …
HI All, We have requirement in ME54 transaction to add a additional function button along with the standard buttons.
How to Reject Purchase Requisition | SAP Community
Hi All I tried using ME UPDATE REQUISITION but its not working. If anyone had tried this function module before to reject the purchase requisition, please guide me how to use it Or is there is any oth