Wiesmann - WIESMANN MF5 - Wiesmann Sports Cars GmbH
The MF5 came in two models: the Wiesmann Roadster MF5 and the Wiesmann GT MF5. Each possessed a 555 HP twin-turbo engine with a maximum torque of 680 Nm and a six-speed automatic transmission as standard, with a top speed of …
Wiesmann GT MF5 specs, 0-60, quarter mile, lap times
the MF5 GT is the lightest of all 3 (GT2 ZR1 MF5 GT) high perfromance engine with ultrafast SMG tranny. according to all tester superb handling in the hand of experts extrem quick same power to weight ratio than the GT2 (~363hp/to and only slightly worse than the ZR1 417hp/to) perfect weight balance..
威兹曼GT - 百度百科
V10发动机和GT MF5轻盈的体重的搭配,解决了低转速时扭矩不足的问题。 高转速时整套传动装置动力十足,发动机声音美妙极了! 所以,参照BMW的设定后,威兹曼GT仍然配用来自BMW的配件以制停自身。 一如BMW的其他车型,安装在威兹曼GT上的 制动系统 来自 ATE,前轮采用大型单 活塞 卡钳配上348mm制动碟,后轮同为单活塞卡钳配345mm制动碟。 实际驾驶下,威兹曼GT的制动效果属于中规中矩一类,完全感觉不到那种一般超级跑车“一点即有”的钝挫感,反而 …
Wiesmann GT MF5 - 百度百科
德国Wiesmann正式发布了旗下最新型号Wiesmann GT MF5的最终量产版本。 新款Wiesmann GT MF 5跑车与公司的理念完美结合,融合了造型美观和最先进技术于一身。 加上宽幅轮胎,让这款跑车看起来动力不凡,有高级赛车气势。
Wiesmann MF5 GT - Secret Classics
2021年11月22日 · The MF5 GT was in the absolute top position. This model series made its debut in 2007 during the IAA at the Wiesmann dealer in Frankfurt. It took around one and a half years before series production began. As with the MF4, a bonded and riveted aluminium chassis lay beneath the body made of glass-fiber-reinforced plastic.
威兹曼MF5 GT公布起售价. · 古典小壁虎! 德国手工跑车威兹曼参展. · 售价超过400万! 详细图解威兹曼GT跑车. 威茨曼GT,富人的玩具,纯手工打造超级跑车! 艳黄爬地虎-威兹曼MF5! 数据加载中...
2008 Wiesmann GT MF5 - Supercars.net
Wiesmann GT MF5. Completed just in time for the start of the IAA: the Wiesmann GT with the model name of MF 5 and a 10-cylinder motor. Hiding behind this unpretentious name is the most exciting sports car ever to be presented by Wiesmann to the public.
WIESMANN GT MF5 Specs & Photos - autoevolution
WIESMANN GT MF5 2011-Present pecs, photos, engines, years, launch date and history
Road Test: Wiesmann GT MF5 Second Generation - GTspirit
2011年12月2日 · After our road test in the Summer of 2010 we were amazed and stunned by the sheer driving experience of the Roadster MF5 with its V10 engine and ecstatic sound track. A super sports car with the...
2010 Wiesmann GT MF5 - World Car Specifications
The Wiesmann GT MF5 is a rear wheel drive motor car, with the engine mounted in the front, and a 2 door coupé bodyshell. Its engine is a turbocharged petrol, 4.4 litre, double overhead camshaft 90 degree V 8 cylinder with 4 valves per cylinder.