Download Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Authenticator is a mobile app that helps you sign in to all your accounts without using a password.
Set up an authenticator app as a two-step verification method
Set up the Microsoft Authenticator app to use verification codes. On the Additional security verification page, select Mobile app from Step 1: How should we contact you?. Select Use verification code from the How do you want to use the mobile app area, and then select Set up. The Configure mobile app page appears.
What is: Multifactor Authentication - Microsoft Support
Get the free Microsoft Authenticator app. Microsoft Authenticator can be used not only for your Microsoft account, and work or school accounts, you can also use it to secure your Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, and many other kinds of accounts. It's free on iOS or Android. Learn more and get it here.
About Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Authenticator is a free app that helps you sign in to all your accounts without using a password - just use a fingerprint, face recognition, or a PIN. You can use Authenticator to sign in to your Microsoft personal, work, school or other accounts.
Set up your Microsoft 365 sign-in for multi-factor authentication
By setting up MFA, you add an extra layer of security to your Microsoft 365 account sign-in. For example, you first enter your password and, when prompted, you also type a dynamically generated verification code provided by an authenticator app or sent to your phone.
Use Microsoft Authenticator with Microsoft 365
If your organization is using multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Microsoft 365, the easiest verification method to use is the Microsoft Authenticator smart phone app. It's just one click instead of typing in a 6-digit code.
下载Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft 支持
注意: Microsoft Authenticator 不适用于电脑或 Mac,因为出于安全原因,验证器应用通常用于智能手机。 了解详细信息。 Microsoft不再支持超过一年的 Authenticator 版本。
Microsoft Authenticator herunterladen - Microsoft-Support
Microsoft Authenticator ist eine mobile App, mit der Sie sich bei allen Ihren Konten anmelden können, ohne ein Kennwort zu verwenden. Hinweise: Microsoft Authenticator ist für PC oder Mac nicht verfügbar, da Authentifikatoren-Apps aus Sicherheitsgründen in der …
Microsoft Authenticator downloaden - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Microsoft Authenticator is een mobiele app waarmee u zich zonder wachtwoord kunt aanmelden bij al uw accounts. Notities: Microsoft Authenticator is niet beschikbaar voor pc of Mac, omdat authenticator-apps om veiligheidsredenen doorgaans zijn ontworpen voor smartphones.
Over Microsoft Authenticator - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Microsoft Authenticator is een gratis app waarmee u zich kunt aanmelden bij al uw accounts zonder een wachtwoord te gebruiken. Gebruik hiervoor een vingerafdruk, gezichtsherkenning of een pincode. U kunt Authenticator gebruiken om u aan te melden bij uw persoonlijke, werk-, school- of andere accounts van Microsoft.