CGP论著 | 不同衰弱评估工具在老年术前衰弱筛查中的应用效果比 …
2024年7月15日 · 目前,国际上衰弱评估工具种类繁多,针对老年围术期的衰弱评估工具的应用选择不一,主要有11项改良衰弱指数(mfi-11)、frail量表、临床衰弱量表(cfs)、5项改良衰弱指数(mfi-5)等,其中mfi-11是老年术前衰弱常用的评估方法之一。
有11项改良衰弱指数(mfi-11)、frail量表、临床 衰弱量表(cfs)、5项改良衰弱指数(mfi-5)等,其 中mfi-11是老年术前衰弱常用的评估方法之一。mfi-11是基于美国外科质量改进计划(nsqip)数据库中的 术前变量、针对手术人群改良编制而成,并进行了相关
MFI-11 in Chinese elderly esophageal cancer patients with …
2024年8月13日 · We chose mFI-11, TNM staging and PNI to predict poor prognosis after radical esophageal cancer surgery in elderly patients and to compare the prognostic value of all three. mFI-11 was calculated using 11 variables (10 comorbidities and 1 functional status measure) from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) center.
The 5 and 11 Factor Modified Frailty Indices are Equally ... - PubMed
The mFI-5 and mFI-11 are highly correlated across several TQIP patient cohorts. They also are both predictive of complications and discharge dispositions; however, neither index can predict mortality. Given its ease of use, the mFI-5 may be a better …
The 11-Item Modified Frailty Index as a Tool to Predict ... - PubMed
Frailty measured by the mFI-11 is associated with greater rates of discharge to unfavorable locations and increased odds of acute kidney injury and unplanned events among patients with TBI. These findings suggest that frail patients with TBIs require greater vigilance to avoid such unanticipated out …
改良衰弱指数联合外科Apgar评分对腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术老年患 …
2024年7月19日 · 摘要:目的 探讨11项改良衰弱指数 (mFI-11)联合外科Apgar评分 (SAS)对腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术老年患者发生术后并发症的预测效能.方法 纳入腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术老年 (年龄≥65岁)患者481例.术前采用mFI-11完成衰弱评估.根据术中最低平均动脉压、最低心率和估计失血量,计算SAS.比较有术后并发症和无术后并发症患者的临床资料、mFI-11、SAS,分析mFI-11、SAS与术后并发症的关系及其预测价值.结果 mFI-11、SAS、手术时间与术后并发症的发生独立相关 …
Comparison of 5-Item and 11-Item Modified Frailty Index as …
2023年11月2日 · The 11-item modified Frailty index (mFI-11) by the ACS-NSQIP database was used to predict which patients are high risk for complications and inpatient mortality. ACS-NSQIP now has switched to the 5-item MFI.
Impact of modified Frailty Index-11 (mFI-11) on postoperative ...
2021年10月1日 · Frailty scores were assigned using the established 11-factor modified Frailty Index (mFI-11). Patients were divided into low-frailty and high-frailty groups, based on mFI comorbidities of ≤ 1 and ≥ 2, respectively. Univariable and multivariable analyses were performed to evaluate the impact of frailty on postoperative outcomes and mortality.
New 5-Factor Modified Frailty Index Using American College …
Background: The modified frailty index (mFI-11) is a NSQIP-based 11-factor index that has been proven to adequately reflect frailty and predict mortality and morbidity. These 11 factors, made of 16 variables, map to the original 70-item Canada Study of Health and Aging Frailty Index.
5 项和 11 项改良衰弱指数作为脊髓损伤患者功能独立性预测因子 …
最常见的 3 个 MFI 因素是高血压 (32.2%) 、糖尿病 (13.7%) 和慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (8.5%)。使用 MFI-5 和 MFI-11 的多变量 logistic 回归分析显示,MFI-5 (OR 1.375, P < .001) 和 MFI-11 (OR 1.366, P < .001) 较高的虚弱评分均预示着出院时功能状态不佳。