Initial review - MFJ-9296 (MFJ-9200) | Survival Monkey Forums
2015年6月8日 · Review for a "Trail-Friendly" radio – MFJ-9296 (9200) MFJ 92XX (AKA 9296) price point $229/with all 6 band modules. Not a bad price point. Reminds me of the early ATS series (and a couple of the NorCal kits, like the Cascade SSB xciver) with plug in band modules. At this price point I can live with the module swapping.
MFJ-9200 Technical Manual now avaliable | Survival Monkey Forums
2015年10月28日 · On the other end of this equation, is the MFJ-9200. The radio is an excellent little HF rig and offers quite a lot to the portable operator. It is, to me, the ultimate in a Plug and Play rig. Add power, a resonant antenna, a set of cans, a key and you have a working multi-band HF station. Set the frequency, and you're on the air.
The genesis of the 9200 A schematic for MFJ-9200 is sent separately as a .pdf file to allow full screen viewing. This Guide is focused on the new amateur population providing simplified: Diagrams of important systems and sub-systems. Troubleshooting and maintenance steps that may be taken with minimal test equipment.
A Guide to Operating, Troubleshooting and Repair of the MFJ …
2017年9月4日 · Just as the title says, a resource to maintain the MFJ-9200 radio. Much of the testing would apply to many to many of the newer SA-612 based rigs on the market today. I wrote this as no tech data was available, The schematic is a separate PDF file.
Schematic for MFJ-9200 - Survival Monkey Forums
More Resources from DKR A Guide to Operating, Troubleshooting and Repair of the MFJ-9200 QRP Radio ham radio ...
Comms Resources...... | Survival Monkey Forums
2017年9月8日 · A Guide to Operating, Troubleshooting and Repair of the MFJ-9200 QRP Radio - ham radio Just as the title says, a resource to maintain the MFJ-9200 radio. Much of the testing would apply to many to many of the newer SA-612 based rigs on the market today.
FIeld trip with MFJ-9200 station | Survival Monkey Forums
2015年10月26日 · MFJ-9200 w/installed band module 12.5 oz. The MFJ site claims 7.5 oz weight for the radio. I weighed my band modules separately – they ran from ½ to 5/8 oz in their 35 mm film containers. I cannot explain the seeming 5 oz difference. Sideswiper key - 1.375 oz, with the cable to connect to radio - 2 oz
The SW-3B - QRP CW, 3 band - Survival Monkey Forums
2020年2月22日 · The Sw-3B has much the same operation as the now- no longer made MFJ-9200. The Sw3 is smaller than the 9200 and many will feel the band switching is a better setup. The SW-3B runs on DC up to 15VDC. and as low as 8. Power out is dependent on the input VDC. No internal tuner made for this.
Why learn Morse code? | Page 2 | Survival Monkey Forums
2017年12月10日 · I see the use of CW as allowing low power (QRP) operation away from the house. A plus is simple equipment. For some time, my primary CW rig was the MFJ-9200. OTOH, with a NUE-PSK modem, you can use an existing SSB rig for PSK-31 - and the same set of paddles used fr CW. I have one of these for my existing FT-817.
Schematic for MFJ-9200 - Version History | Survival Monkey Forums
More Resources from DKR A Guide to Operating, Troubleshooting and Repair of the MFJ-9200 QRP Radio ham radio ...