Using the Icom IC-735 for FT-8 - MagARC
The article that follows is a description of that I did to make FT-8 and rig control work with my IC-735 radio. Your results may differ. Many thanks to Dale Sharpen whop helped me over the last …
MFJ-939y antenna tuner in FT8 mode : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2022年9月14日 · This tuner is rated for 200W SSB/CW. When I called MFJ to check, they said that the duty cycle for FT8 is 4 times that of the CW (as a rule of…
Reviews For: MFJ-939 automatic antenna tuner - eHam.net
MFJ-939I/K/Y automatically tunes your antenna as you tune your radio. SWR is just always low. Tunes your coax fed or random wire antennas 1.8-30 MHz from 2 Watts QRP to full 200 Watts …
MFJ Enterprises Inc
MFJ.....the World Leader in Amateur Radio Accessories. Click here to view and shop our HF Wire/ Vertical/ Directional Yagi/ Portable/ Restricted Space/ Mobile Antennas, VHF/UHF Antennas , …
EASY Way to Setup FT8 on a Yaesu FT-891 - YouTube
2023年1月20日 · The MFJ-1205 is compatible with almost any radio that has a 6-pin mini-din interface on the rear. In today's vid, we go over the radio and computer settings...
10 Meter FT8 advise for new Techs. #10meter #mtc #mfj # ... - YouTube
2024年2月17日 · http://www.youtube.com/@HamRadioClubhousehttp://www.youtube.com/@CoffeeandHamRadioshttp://www.youtube.com/@BrokenCircuitRanchhttp://www.youtube.com/@Suburban...
Reviews For: MFJ-929 Compact 200-watt Auto-tuner - eHam.net
The MFJ-929 IntelliTuner-CompactTM lets you automatically tune any coax fed or random wire antenna 1.8-30 MHz at full 200 Watts SSB/CW. It can match 6-1600 Ohms (SWR up to 32:1) - …
业余无线电FT8模式初体验 - RIVALSA网络日志
ft8是一种数字通信模式,按照一定规则将文字编码为声音后通过无线电发送。 相对于话音通联模式,FT8解决了话音通联中各地HAM之间的语言不通造成信息无法有效交换的问题且无需记忆任 …
MFJ 1204 USB Digital Interface Series Unboxing and Review. Operate FT8 ...
Today we unbox and take a look at the MFJ 1204 Digital Interface. This device is a go between the radio and computer allowing you to operate the digital modes like FT8 and FT4 and many …
JTDX 简体中文版 最新FT8软件 [更新中] - HamCQ 社区
JTDX目前支持FT4, FT8, T10, JT65 and JT9模式. 数据通信前有rtty和psk31等模式已经应用很多年头,近些年在业余无线电圈火起来的FT8模式因其更高的识别率和健全的软件系统,得到了全 …