Transcriptional heterogeneity of ventricular zone cells in the ... - eLife
2022年2月17日 · By using a transgenic mouse line to enrich for VZ cells, we characterize significant transcriptional heterogeneity, both between GEs and within spatial subdomains of specific GEs. Additionally, we observe differential gene expression between E12.5 and E14.5 VZ cells, which could provide insights into temporal changes in cell fate.
Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies distinct mouse medial
2017年3月31日 · We performed single-cell RNA sequencing on the mouse embryonic medial ganglionic eminence (MGE), the major birthplace for CINs, and on MGE-like cells differentiated from embryonic stem cells....
RNAscope Hiplex 验证并解析前脑早期发育过程中基因时空表达特 …
2023年7月13日 · 在本研究中,作者对e12.5和e14.5小鼠的lge、mge、cge和皮层进行了scrnaseq分析,以确定vz和svz神经祖细胞的空间和时间遗传异质性。 为了特异性地增加VZ细胞的数量,作者使用了一种报告小鼠品系,该品系含有由Nestin启动子驱动的不稳定VenusGFP蛋白,这限制了GFP泄漏到 ...
MGE-derived interneuron cell numbers at early stages of …
During the late stages of MGE development (>E14), cell-division is biased towards neurogenic divisions and is correlated with a reduction in the size of the VZ and SVZ progenitor pools (Turrero...
Lhx6 and Lhx8 Coordinately Induce Neuronal Expression of Shh …
2011年6月9日 · Here, we present the first evidence that Shh expression in the MGE MZ regulates the properties of the overlying MGE VZ. We selectively deleted the Shh gene in the MGE MZ using Dlx1/2-Cre (Dlx1/2-cre;Shh F/−).
RGMa Regulates Cortical Interneuron Migration and Differentiation
RGMa is expressed in the VZ of the ganglionic eminences and is thus well positioned to influence interneuronal migration along the migratory corridor. Therefore we propose that during peak neurogenesis, repulsive RGMa-Neo interactions drive the interneurons out of the MGE VZ into the migratory corridor.
Development, Diversity, and Death of MGE-Derived Cortical Interneurons
The POA in turn produces a mixed population of GABAergic INs. MGE and CGE-derived INs typically coexpress a combination of different neurochemical markers, some of which are illustrated. The germinative regions are divided into a ventricular zone (VZ) and a subventricular zone (SVZ), each hosting distinct neural precursors or progenitors.
OTX2 Transcription Factor Controls Regional Patterning within …
2015年7月21日 · We found that Otx2 was essential in septum specification, regulation of Fgf signaling in the rostral telencephalon, and medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) patterning, neurogenesis, and oligodendrogenesis. Within the MGE, Otx2 was required for ventral, but not dorsal, identity, thus controlling the production of specific MGE derivatives.
Transcriptional Networks Controlled by NKX2-1 in the …
2016年9月21日 · Here we provide evidence that NKX2-1 promoted MGE identity through transcriptional repression in MGE progenitors (VZ). +/−REs show higher activity in cortex and LGE compared to the MGE, and alterations in the histone marks that …
Transcriptional heterogeneity of ventricular zone cells in the ...
In this study, we performed scRNAseq analyses on the LGE, MGE, CGE, and cortex from E12.5 and E14.5 mice to identify spatial and temporal genetic heterogeneity of VZ and SVZ neural progenitors.
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