Milkor MGL - Wikipedia
The Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) is a lightweight 40 mm six-shot revolver -type grenade launcher (variations also fire 37/38mm) developed and manufactured in South Africa by Milkor (Pty) Ltd. The MGL was demonstrated as a concept to the South African Defence Force (SADF) in 1981.
Milkor MGL 榴弹发射器 - 枪炮世界
MGL 40mm榴弹发射器是目前世界上产量最大的40mm连发榴弹发射器携带武器,由南非阿姆斯科公司(Armscor, ZA)在1981年研制,在1983年投产,在南非国防军服役超过二十年,最初命名为Y2,后来正式改名为MGL。
米尔科姆转轮连发式榴弹发射器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
連發式榴彈發射器 (英語: Multiple Grenade Launcher,簡稱: MGL)是一款由 南非 米爾科姆(控股)有限公司 (英语:Milkor (Pty) Ltd) 生產的輕型 雙動操作 6連發 轉輪式 肩射型 榴彈發射器,主要發射 40×46毫米 口徑 低速 榴彈。 早在1981年,MGL對 南非防衛軍 展示了其基本的設計概念。 其操作原理立刻就獲得接受,並受到嚴格的計劃所認證。 其後MGL正式在 南非國防軍 (英語: South African Defence Force,以下簡稱:SADF)之中投入服役,並且被命名為 Y2。
【轻武器频道】Milkor MGL单兵榴弹发射器 —— 连发转轮式 - 哔 …
2022年4月5日 · Milkor MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher / 米尔科姆连发榴弹发射器)是由 Milkor有限公司于南非开发和制造的一种40㎜口径轻型六发转轮式榴弹发射器 (变体也可为37/38㎜口径)。 它的概念于1981年向南非国防军(SADF)展示,之后便被采用,命名为Y2入役。 自1983年推出后,它逐渐被50多个国家的武装部队和执法机构采用,且总产量已超过5万支。 尊容. 第一次搞轻武器专栏,如有错误还请指正💦💦💦. 它是一种多发武器,与传统的单发榴弹发射器(如M203) …
MGL40mm榴弹发射器 - 百度百科
MGL 40mm榴弹发射器是世界上产量最大的40mm连发榴弹发射器携带武器,由南非阿姆斯科公司(Armscor, ZA)在1981年研制,在1983年投产,在南非国防军服役超过二十年,最初命名为Y2,后来正式改名为MGL。阿姆斯科后改名为米尔科姆公司(Milkor, ZA)。
MGL-LTL - Milkor USA Inc.
The Multiple Grenade Launcher – Less than Lethal (MGL-LTL) has been developed around the needs of the modern tactical team. The launcher is capable of firing a wide variety of 40mm LTL ammo. This adaptable launcher also features the KeyMod rail system for the addition of grips, lights, lasers, and other accessories.
Milkor MGL - Weaponsystems.net
The MGL is a grenade launcher of South African origin. It was developed to provide more firepower than the M79. At the time of introduction the MGL was the first successful revolver type grenade launcher. Nowadays it is one of the most common stand alone grenade launchers next to the American M79 and German HK 69.
Products - Milkor USA Inc.
The AV-140 is a hand-held, gas plug operating, semi-automatic, revolving action, 40mm Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher (MSGL). Developed with our partner company, Abrams Airborne Manufacturing, The 40mm Multi-Shot Less-Lethal Tactical Launcher (LTL) was manufactured with the needs of the modern tactical team at the forefront.
Milkor MGL | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The Milkor Multiple Grenade Launcher, more commonly known as the MGL or the MGL-140, is a South African grenade launcher. It is currently in service with the South African Defense Force as the Y2, the US Marine Corps as the M32 Multi-shot …
Milkor MGL - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in …
The MGL (Multiple Grenade Launcher) was developed in 1981 by Milkor for the SADF (South African Defence Force). Shortly after its introduction, the MGL was adopted by the armed forces of various other countries.
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