MGS3: Fail? : ( - Video Gaming - Idle Forums
2008年8月3日 · Although everyone seems to generally agree that MGS3 is a huge pile of awesome, I feel a bit let down by it so far... It's definitely not ALL bad, but here's what's bugging me so far: Firstly, what's up with the lame Bond wannabe opening sequence? Is it supposed to be a clever homage since this game takes place in the 60s?
Should I get the MGS3 port on steam? : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
Get it & dl the mods from Nexus that fix the sound & improve the textures & it's a great experience. Use controller. Yes, it is a good port. The audio sounds compressed and there is some pop in which is disappointing. Nothing game breaking, you will still have a great experience. It’s completely fine, and with mods it becomes exceptional.
For those familiar with its development cycle, was mgs3 ... - Reddit
2019年1月6日 · Cqc was a great addition, but some actions like transitioning from aiming to idle while grabbing a hostage requires you to hold the controller in strange ways etc. Then there is the design issues: obvious one was the camera, if you decide to dispense with the radar system, you definitely need a free camera (which wasn't included in the vanilla ...
METAL GEAR SOLID 3: Snake Eater - Master Collection Version
2023年10月24日 · A dude on Reddit found a fix for sound issues in MGS3, which also makes the game run on Steam Deck: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/17g8enj/metal_gear_solid_steam_deck/ Basically you need to download xaudio2_9.dll (make sure it's the 64 bit version!) and put it in the main game directory where the game exe is
MGS3: Fail? :( - Page 3 - Video Gaming - Idle Forums
2008年8月3日 · I definitely think MGS4 will appeal to the guys complaining about the 'difficulty' of Snake Eater. It's considerably easier on the normal setting than any ot...
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection [BLUS30847] - RPCS3 Forums
2017年8月6日 · Trying to play MGS3 but my CPU usage is at 98%+ and the game runs at 1-9 FPS, usually 1-3 FPS, with choppy crackling audio. It is really unplayable with my current setup. Settings I've changed: PPU Interpreter (fast), Automatically …
Question about MGS3, Shagohod, and fuels : r/metalgearsolid - Reddit
2017年6月15日 · Per the metal gear wiki, the EOD personnel on the base were emptying the fuel tanks after discovering the bombs during the Volgin fight. "Emergency! Explosives have been detected. All non-EOD personnel must evacuate immediately" was broadcasted multiple times during the battle.
2003年10月17日 · 1、固定视角与自由视角切换(十字键 ←); 2、举枪瞄准和收枪(十字键 ↓)如果按 键瞄准了,也可以按十字键↓来收枪不射; 3、不会出声的移动(L 键 + 左摇杆); 4、第一视角垫脚、悬挂引体向上(背触控板两指触控向下滑动); 5、第一视角左(右)侧移、悬挂左(右)横移(背触控板单指触控向左(右)滑动); 6、治疗界面(右道具栏通过触屏选定 + 十 …
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence - Video Gaming - Idle Forums
2007年4月18日 · What the fuck? Is this a game for a hidden club of superbeings? I'm trying to get past the first guy, but the controls are so fucking intricate and I always ...
Play Metal Gear Solid 3 at framerates above or below 60 fps
This is an experimental mod that allows you to play Metal Gear Solid 3 at framerates above (and below) 60. This mod is a work in progress so you should expect there to be issues.