R6S百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
Rauora,登场于Y10S1赛季。 特殊装置是D.O.M.装甲板发射器,可以发射面板并部署在门框上,放下卷帘门后可以完全切断相连的房间。 新干员Rauora登场。 移除DX11模式。 无平衡性更新。 减少游戏启动所需的时间。 修复数项bug。 赫里福基地从快速对战列表移除。 本Wiki项目是玩家自发建设的,与育碧娱乐无关。 所有编辑者均享有自身撰写内容的著作权。 转载本Wiki内容必须明确注明该内容由R6S百科的编辑者编写,并附带对应的页面链接或者本站首页链接。 除特 …
Nøkk Deku in S.W.A.T S1 finale ||mha x R6S x S.W.A.T||
2025年1月13日 · Discord- https://discord.gg/vHx7W2FNcFOc creator- https://x.com/madyaxx?s=21Friends server- https://discord.com/invite/fwendiesTwitch- https://twitch.tv/gekk...
虹彩六號 系列 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
2024年3月1日 · 想請問各位大大,小弟的女友最近換了新的電腦,在用原本使用R6並已經綁定Steam的帳號啟動R6時,跳出了這個訊息:之後我請她登入帳號去檢查連結,卻發現帳戶資訊 …
Rainbowsixsiege Stories - Wattpad
Marek Bosak is pulled out of deployment after accepting an offer to join the organization known as Rainbow. Little did Marek know, his sisters were also enlisted into th... You are Spartan Omega 028. One of the last Spartan IIs to ever be produced and third to be ranked Hyper Lethal. After assisting Noble Team in taking out the Super Corvet...
my hero academia military deku - ilovetwilight575 - Wattpad
Izuku midoriya was kidnapped at the age of 5 but that left him enough time to get abused by his parents and bullied by his classmates and his former best friend Bakugo Katsuki. Izuku is part of a unofficial government program to create the perfect soldiers and spends his life killing high priority targets, following o...
Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace - Trade R6S Items | Ubisoft (US)
The Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace is where you need to go whether you're looking to exchange some unwanted items for R6S credits or get that elusive weapon skin from a few seasons back. Browse for items under Buy or pick an item type from the Marketplace homepage. Only currently tradable items are available.
My Hero Academia Wiki - Fandom
のヒーローアカデミア, Boku no Hīrō Akademia?) is a manga series serialized by Shonen Jump and written by Kohei Horikoshi. The series has been adapted into an anime series and three movies, as well as spawning the prequel series Vigilantes …
Kapkan - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 - huiji.wiki
Brava 的 巧集无人机 可以夺取已部署的EDD,使其变为属于进攻方的道具,会在防守方触碰其引信时爆炸并造成伤害。 Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda和他的弟弟们在科夫罗夫长大,生活的方方面面都会受到俄罗斯军队的影响。 父母双亲都在军队的后勤工厂工作,父亲从事机械工程方面的工作,母亲从事纺织领域的工作。 Basuda在父母和老师的鼓励下,成为了俄罗斯联邦内务部的一名警官。 Basuda不仅擅长使用常规武器、保护人员,追求快速行动,在人质营救和信息收集方面也展 …
R6S.skin - Celebration Pack
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
彩虹六号:围攻 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's …
《汤姆克兰西之彩虹六号:围攻》(英语:Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege),也常简称为彩六、R6或R6s,是一款由育碧蒙特利尔开发、育碧软件发行的第一人称战术射击游戏。本作是《汤姆克兰西之彩虹六号系列》的正统续作。
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