MIH 首頁
MIH Open EV Platform develops reference designs and standards that can help reduce cost and development cycles to drive more business opportunities for the overall electric vehicle market. Participate in Interest/Working Groups to exchange ideas and influence strategic direction in the EV development journey.
Gogoro batteries power this tiny urban electric car | The Verge
2023年10月26日 · At the Japan Mobility Show 2023, there’s a tiny car designed for city driving and powered by Gogoro scooter batteries that owners can swap out and drive away without waiting around at a typical...
MIH unveils Project X: an A-Segment Electric Vehicle Platform with ...
2022年11月8日 · To make it easier for partners and potential customers to understand the open and agnostic nature of MIH and to realize technologies developed by the MIH Working Groups, MIH released the Project X timeline and exterior design for the first time and this A-segment three-seater demo car is expected to be presented by the end of 2023.
【鴻海電動車懶人包】Model C / Model E價格、規格特色、上市 …
2022年10月11日 · 鴻海今日舉行2021鴻海科技日(HHTD21)活動,首度推出三款台灣鴻海MIH自製研發電動原型車「Model C電動跨界休旅、Model E電動豪華房車」,鴻海董事長劉揚偉也宣稱鴻海電動車 Model C售價百萬以內就能入手,至於鴻海MIH所開發的電動車規格、售價和何時會發表?
MIH Consortium
2021年9月13日 · MIH Consortium is creating an open EV ecosystem that promotes collaboration in the mobility industry. We realize key technologies, develop reference designs and standards, while we bridge the gap between members in the ecosystem resulting in a lower barrier to entry, accelerated innovation, and shorter development cycles.
Mobility in Harmony Consortium - Wikipedia
The Mobility in Harmony Consortium (MIH Consortium) is an organization led by Foxconn to operate the MIH Open EV Alliance, which promotes an eponymous electric vehicle development platform featuring open standards.
MIH Project X | Build Your Own Vehicle | MIH Consortium
2022年11月21日 · MIH Project X: an A-Segment Electric Vehicle Platform with Modular Design Approach MIH is enabling innovators to create the future of mobility for the next generation by building an open EV...
MIH電動車開放平台 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MIH電動車開放平台 (Mobility In Harmony Open EV Platform)是 台灣 鴻海科技集團 於2020年10月中旬所創立的 電動汽車 開放 平台,鴻海科技集團為其創始會員 [1]。 截至2022年3月底,參與MIH平台聯盟的廠商已超過2300間 [2]。
[U-EV]2023東京車展:2+1 / 3人座、支援Gogoro換電,MIH Project X概念車全球首演 | U-CAR …
2023年10月25日 · MIH 開放電動汽車聯盟(MIH Consortium)選於 2023 年 10 月 25 日在 2023 東京車展 ( Japan Mobility Show) 發表全球首發 Project X 概念車款,展現 MIH 對智慧移動解決方案的成果。
[U-EV]採用鴻海MIH平臺開發,Sharp展出LDK+廂型電動概念車 | U-CAR …
日本 Sharp 近期預告將於 9 月中在東京舉行的「 SHARP Tech-Day'24“」技術展示會上,推出 LDK+廂型電動概念車,其是採用鴻海 MIH 聯盟的 EV 開放平臺打造、並與 Folofly Corporation 共同合作開發,其在車內後方配置 65 吋顯示幕,並強調新車搭載人工智慧技術 CE-LLM、AIoT ...