Mk 48 machine gun - Wikipedia
The Mark 48, or Mk 48, is a belt-fed general-purpose machine gun developed and manufactured by Fabrique Nationale Manufacturing Inc., a division of FN Herstal based in the United States, for the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
Mk 48輕量化機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 48 是一款由 埃斯塔勒 國營工廠 (英語: Fabrique Nationale de Herstal,簡稱:FN)旗下的一個部門,總部設在 美国 的FN生產公司所生產的輕型 可散式彈鏈 供彈的 通用機槍,利用 M13彈鏈 發射火力強大的 7.62×51毫米 北约 口徑 步枪 子彈。 Mk 48是與 美國特種作戰司令部 (英語: United States Special Operations Command,簡稱:USSOCOM,轄下部隊包括 DEVGRU 、 Delta Force 和 綠色貝雷帽 等著名特種部隊)所聯手研發,並且在美国特种部队司令部採用了 …
Mk 48轻量化机枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Mk 48 是一款由 埃斯塔勒 国营工厂 (英语: Fabrique Nationale de Herstal,简称:FN)旗下的一个部门,总部设在 美国 的FN生产公司所生产的轻型 可散式弹链 供弹的 通用机枪,利用 M13弹链 发射火力强大的 7.62×51毫米 北约 口径 步枪 子弹。 Mk 48是与 美国特种作战司令部 (英语: United States Special Operations Command,简称:USSOCOM,辖下部队包括 DEVGRU 、 Delta Force 和 绿色贝雷帽 等著名特种部队)所联手研发,并且在美国特种部队司令部采用了 …
Mk48 MOD0 ——〖枪炮世界〗
Mk48 MOD0的最大好处是比同为7.62mm口径的M240/FN MAG的重量还要轻(比M240B轻27%),而零部件则与M249和Mk46 MOD0通用(80%与M249/M k 46通用),加上皮卡汀尼导轨系统,能配备各种不同的瞄准具和SOPMOD全部配件,将来还会开发Mk48 MOD0的消声器。 Mk48 MOD0将会提供比Mk46 MOD0和M249 SAW更强的的火力(射程和终点效能),而且比M240更轻,比Mk43 MOD0更可靠。 特种部队将同时装备Mk46 MOD0与Mk48 MOD0。 不过 …
mk-48轻机枪将会提供比mk46 mod0和m249 saw更强的的火力(射程和终点效能),而且比m240更轻,比mk43 mod0更可靠。特种部队将同时装备mk46 mod0与mk-48 轻机枪 。
FN® MK 48 MOD 1
The MK 48 MOD 1 incorporates improved receiver pins, a new gas block and a vented hand guard with improved heat shield and three MIL-STD-1913 rails. The MK 48 MOD 1’s cold hammer-forged MIL-SPEC barrel has a hard-chromed bore for longer life and improved accuracy, and serves as the mounting point for the carry handle.
Mk 48 Machine Gun | US Special Operations | Weapons
The Mk 48 is a gas-operated, air-cooled, belt-fed machine gun. The Mod 0 features a fixed, polymer buttstock. Unlike the Mk 46, the Mk 48 features a tripod-mounting lug. The weapon is is lighter than the M240 and more reliable than the Mk 43 …
Mk 48 7.62mm Lightweight Machine Gun - GlobalSecurity.org
The Mk 48 Mod 0 is a 7.62mm lightweight machine gun developed to meet a US Special Operations requirement for a lightweight 7.62mm weapon to compliment the 5.56mm Mk 46 lightweight machine...
Army agreed to provide USSOCOM S&T Barrels profiled for MK48. USSOCOM funded NSWC Crane to Insert Technology to allow Upgrade of MK48 MOD1 Lightweight Machine Gun for Sustained Fire Capability. Prove out Sustained Fire Barrel Technology. Increase Sustained Fire Capability and Avoid Spare Barrel.
Fabrique Nationale Mk 48 LWMG Light Weight Machine Gun - Military Factory
2018年5月22日 · The Mk 48 is dimensionally larger, longer and heavier than the counterpart Mk 46 featuring a 39.75" overall length, a 19.75" barrel length and 18.26lb empty weight. However, the Mk 48 sports a higher rate-of-fire and improved attack ranges which work can work in conjunction with smaller caliber weapons already carried by the squad.