Decoding Human Megakaryocyte Development - ScienceDirect
2021年3月4日 · Here we used single-cell RNA sequencing of human MKs from embryonic yolk sac (YS) and fetal liver (FL) to characterize the transcriptome, cellular heterogeneity, and developmental trajectories of early megakaryopoiesis.
常说的CD3,CD4,CD8,CD19,CD34,CD45 是什么? - 知乎专栏
CD分子(cluster of differentiation)应用以 单克隆抗体 (McAb)鉴定为主的聚类分析方法,将来自不同实验室的单克隆抗体所识别的同一分化抗原、其编码基因及其分子表达的细胞种类均鉴定明确者,统称CD。 所鉴定的同一LDA 归为同一分化群(CD),即以CD代替以往的命名。 人CD编号已从1-370左右。 可大致分为14组。 CD即是位于细胞膜上一类分化抗原的总称。 自1992年至今先后举行了8次国际白细胞分化抗原协作组会议(HLDA8),将来自不同实验室的单克隆抗体 …
High-throughput enrichment and isolation of megakaryocyte progenitor ...
2021年4月15日 · (A,B) Flow cytometry plots displaying CD45 and CD41 intensity of bone marrow cells stained with MK antibodies in the (A) − TPO and (B) + TPO conditions. Seven distinct subpopulations were ...
CD45 expression discriminates waves of embryonic …
We characterized the precise phenotype of embryo megakaryocytes in the liver at gestational day 11.5, identifying them as CD41 ++ CD45-CD9 ++ CD61 + MPL + CD42c + tetraploid cells that express megakaryocyte-specific transcripts and display differential traits when compared to those present in the yolk sac at the same age.
CD41+/CD45+ Cells Without Acetylcholinesterase Activity Are Immature ...
2009年1月2日 · GeneChip and semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses revealed that the Lin − /CD41 + /CD45 + /AChE − MKs are assigned at the stage between the progenitor and PPF preparation phases in respect to the many MK/PLT …
Generation of Megakaryocytic Progenitors from Human …
We have established a two step serum-free and stromal cell-free differentiation protocol, initially generating hematopoietic progenitor cells that express CD34, CD41a (hereafter abbreviated to CD41) and CD45 and subsequently differentiating these progenitors towards CD41-positive Mks.
CD45 + and CD45 -megakaryocyte subsets are present at
CD45 + and CD45 -megakaryocyte subsets are present at E11.5 in the yolk sac and fetal liver. Flow cytometry studies were performed on preparations from E11.5 fetal liver (FL) cell suspensions...
Immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry evaluation of …
1996年3月1日 · Most MK co-expressed CD45 (98.8% positive) but not CD33 (80.7% negative) or CD11b (88.9% negative). Our data indicate that flow cytometry can be used effectively to identify MK. However, caution should be taken with samples containing adherent platelets.
Generation of MKs derived from human induced pluripotent stem …
The suspension cells expressed MK markers CD41 and CD42a and hematopoietic cell markers CD34 and CD45. Ig isotype controls for CD41, CD42a, CD34, and CD45 were used to determine the...
Human marrow megakaryocyte differentiation: multiparameter …
2004年11月1日 · Expression of myeloid CD45 and immunoglobulin G (IgG)-FcγRII receptor (CDw32) increased with megakaryocyte maturation and contrasted with the declining expression of HLA-DR (negative in platelets). Interleukin-6 receptor expression in megakaryocytes was higher than in other marrow cells.