Almost MK27... - Glock Talk
2020年9月3日 · One of the last MK27's sold fetched over 3k and well worth it considering that it was probably a mistake by Glock releasing those few to the market. With that said, without the UID it's just a Gen 4 Glock MOS with TB. If you can get one for around $650 consider it a good deal. The latest HOT Glock on the market is the G45 MOS TB...
Glock MK27 | Glock Talk
2020年11月17日 · Alright guys it looks like Glock let a few MK27 Mod 2’s slip out. GNS, extended slide release, LH threaded barrel, and maritime cups. I lucked up and found this at my lgs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My Mk27 Mod 1 and Mod 2 - Glock Talk
2022年8月22日 · A few months ago I started my search for a set of original Mk27 Mod 1 and Mod 2 pistols, since I already had the 2 original Trijicon SU-291's. All it takes is a single part to start a new project! It took me a few months, but I was able to find the Mod 0 …
MK27 on GB right now - Glock Talk
2021年3月7日 · Given the choice I'd take the MK27 over any of the others if only because it's well known to be THE USSOCM gun and the 19 is the most popular Glock in the US. However, again, for me it was just too much to pay to really sit well. I have an HK Mark 23 with an original, KAC produced HK SOCOM suppressor (both NIB).
MK27 on GB right now | Page 5 | Glock Talk
2017年1月1日 · Just scored a legit Mk27 Mod 1 and I already had the correct Trijicon SU-291 on hand! I've never seen another Mk27 with SU-291 in private hands, so this could be the very first set-up like this with the real optic! The pistol also has the correct military UID laser engraving on the underside of the trigger guard.
Glock MK27 - Glock Talk
2022年2月19日 · The MK27 is often used in military settings, featuring maritime spring cups and suppressor-height sights. The Gen 4 Glock 19 MOS does indeed lack these specific features out of the box but still offers a versatile platform.
MK27 Mod 1 for sale on GB | Glock Talk
2023年12月18日 · 'MK27' is the designation given to what the Military's SOCOM issues as their duty pistol. This is the real deal and only 20 or so of these have ever been released into the civilian market's general circulation.
Mk27 Mod 2 on GB | Glock Talk
2023年3月18日 · Mk27 Mod 2 on GB Jump to Latest 1.7K views 12 replies 9 participants last post by triaxle Sep 28, 2024
MK27 MOD 1 - Glock Talk
MK27 MOD 1 are GEN 3 MOS G19 only were made for SOCOM plus the UID number. The label has the MOSU identifier Reactions: Adam4 , Borg Warner , glockhoarder and 2 others
Is a Gen 3 G19 MOS a thing? | Glock Talk
2024年7月29日 · The Mk27 mod 1 is the only known form of Gen 3 G19 in existence that came with a factory MOS cut. These are military guns, and just a small handful of these are floating around in circulation on the civilian/commercial market. The last one that became available for sale sold for $5k.