Rifle, DISSENT, Br47, 7.62x39mm, 16.1" - cmmg.com
Equipped with a 16.1" threaded barrel, the Br47 brings the 7.62x39mm cartridge into a reimagined platform with modern functionality and traditional sporting rifle ergonomics. The ZEROED …
Rifle, DISSENT, Br47, 7.62x39mm, 16.1", Non-Threaded
Despite the inability to attach a muzzle device to this rifle, the same classic ergonomics and modern controls remain. Just like the other Br- platforms, the Br47 comes with a Magpul SGA …
- 评论数: 1
RESOLUTE, Mk47, 7.62x39mm, 16.1" - CMMG
Originally released to the world in 2014, the CMMG® Mk47™ combines the best elements of two of the most iconic firearm platforms in the world. Chambered in 7.62x39mm, the Mk47 accepts …
- 评论数: 3
SDGun卫星区狐守工业BRN47套件正式落地,可适配ldx数 …
2024年11月15日 · 刚开始发售brn180上总成套件的时候就有小伙伴询问过是否可以为MK47的下机匣做适配用来还原brn47的造型,但考虑的MK47造型的特殊我相信应该没有小伙伴舍得把上总 …
有AR和AK步枪的混血产品吗?有,但不是MK47 - 网易
2021年4月5日 · 它和BRN-180一样是搭配AR-15下机匣使用的独立上机匣,即一个upper,但内部结构却号称借鉴了AK-47结构,这就是Faxon火器公司(Faxon Firearms)生产的AKAR-21上 …
New: Featureless CMMG Dissent Br47 in 7.62x39 - Guns.com
2024年12月18日 · Showing some love to Kalash fans, the new Br47 expands on the Br4 concept while being available in 7.62x39. It has the all-important ability to accept rock-in AK47 pattern …
CMMG DISSENT BR47 7.62X39MM - hoffgun.com
Equipped with a 16.18#x34; threaded barrel, the Br47 brings the 7.62x39mm cartridge into a reimagined platform with modern functionality and traditional sporting rifle ergonomics. The …
CMMG Unveils The Br47 DISSENT | thefirearmblog.com
2024年12月17日 · Just in time for the 10th anniversary of the Mk47, CMMG has announced the Br47 DISSENT, part of the company’s Br Series of DISSENT rifles that provide more …
图说:CMMG公司MK47 MUTANT步枪 从AK到AR最佳改进方案
2022年3月6日 · MK47步枪的优点:射击非常非常准确;可靠性高(测试中连续射击400发子弹,没有任何故障);能够使用AR15配件;Keymod护木;全长皮卡丁尼导轨;终身质量保证; …
CMMG Br47 Dissent: an all-new American ranch rifle
2024年12月19日 · An all-American ranch rifle, seamlessly blending modern manufacturing and technology with classic handling, CMMG's new Br47 Dissent is based on the Mk47 Dissent …