MKA - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The MKA is a German tier 2 premium light tank. A tank for export purposes, developed by the Krupp company. The first prototype passed trials in 1940, but its development was …
Let's Take A Look: Mittlerer Kampfwagen fuer Ausland (MKA)
2015年9月30日 · One of the projects to come out of this was the Mittlerer Kampfwagen fuer Ausland (Medium Tank for Other Countries), or simply MKA. The tank was inspired by early …
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
MKATier II Premium German Light Tank. Stats. 3D Model. Compare. Show Loadout. II. II. II. II. IV. AP. Weaponry. DPM 905.76. Damage 55. Penetration (mm) 50 … at 500m (mm) 40. Reload …
3号最优替代者——克虏伯Mka外贸坦克 - 百度贴吧
Mka原型车12吨、和最初原型车18吨的4号正好错开了吨位。 不像3号和4号吨位重叠。 最后的拓展吨位应该是16-18吨,也和25-28吨的4号极限错开了吨位,
MKA: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
MKA video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior. A tank for export purposes, developed by the Krupp company. The first prototype passed trials in 1940, …
MKA - Equipment, Mastery requirements, WN8 target damage - World of Tanks
2025年3月1日 · MKA Tier 2 ★ Premium / Special tank. A tank for export purposes, developed by the Krupp company. The first prototype passed trials in 1940, but its development was …
2018年12月17日 · The MKA is a German tier 2 premium light tank. A tank for export purposes, developed by the Krupp company. The first prototype passed trials in 1940, but its …
堪称最强外贸坦克的克虏伯MKA为何无疾而终? - 17173
2020年7月20日 · m.K.A是正儿八经的克虏伯设计,属于1936年起开发的外贸坦克,除开中型的m.K.A外,还有轻型的l.K.A和重型的s.K.A方案。 为了抢占市场,在技战术指标上要求超过其 …
MKA | Wargaming Wiki | Fandom
The MKA is a Tier II German Premium Light Tank. Awarded to anybody that logged in into the Christmas Holiday event 2018-2019. It has a hull shape similar to the Tiger I, as everyone …
MKA:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
金币坦克每场战斗可以获得更多的银币与经验,还有一系列其它加成。 显示的是100%乘员坦克的参数。 MKA的分析视频中包括了坦克的主要参数及战斗表现。