MKA - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The MKA is a German tier 2 premium light tank. A tank for export purposes, developed by the Krupp company. The first prototype passed trials in 1940, but its development was discontinued, and the project did not manage to attract potential customers. Only one prototype was manufactured that was later scrapped.
MKA: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
MKA video review covering the main vehicle characteristics and its combat behavior. A tank for export purposes, developed by the Krupp company. The first prototype passed trials in 1940, but its development was discontinued, and the project did not manage to attract potential customers.
World of Tanks - tanks.gg
MKATier II Premium German Light Tank. Stats. 3D Model. Compare. Show Loadout. II. II. II. II. IV. AP. Weaponry. DPM 905.76. Damage 55. Penetration (mm) 50 … at 500m (mm) 40. Reload time (sec) 3.64. Rate of fire (rnds/min) 16.47. Aim time (sec) 2.21. ... tanks.gg is a player created website for World of Tanks. We are not an official Wargaming ...
MKA:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
MKA - Armor models, Best Equipment, Crew Skills, Stats, Gunmark ...
Discover the best equipment, crew skills, field modifications, WN8 stats, Marks of Excellence, mastery requirements, and armor models for MKA. Explore in-depth details for optimal gameplay on Tomato.gg.
MKA - Equipment, Mastery requirements, WN8 target damage - World of Tanks
2025年3月1日 · World of Tanks Marks of Excellence requirements and Mastery badges. Target damage WN8, MoE calculator. Last update: 2025-03-12. Find me on: Hello Tankers! Brand new tanks from Paint It GREEN! festival are in. Check equipment builds and field modifications: Object 168 German, Prototipo 6, Lätt Stridsfordon 120, enjoy!
堪称最强外贸坦克的克虏伯MKA为何无疾而终? - 17173
2020年7月20日 · m.K.A是正儿八经的克虏伯设计,属于1936年起开发的外贸坦克,除开中型的m.K.A外,还有轻型的l.K.A和重型的s.K.A方案。 为了抢占市场,在技战术指标上要求超过其它国家的同类外贸坦克,但又出于保密考虑,在设计中并未运用最新的坦克技术。 1937年2月,克虏伯初步敲定了几种外贸坦克方案的大致指标: l.K.A 1型: 轻型坦克,车重4.5吨,仅配备两挺机枪,也叫M.G.K.A. l.K.A 2型: 轻型坦克,车重5.2吨,配备一门2cm机关炮和一挺机枪,也 …
MKA | Wargaming Wiki | Fandom
The MKA is a Tier II German Premium Light Tank. Awarded to anybody that logged in into the Christmas Holiday event 2018-2019. It has a hull shape similar to the Tiger I, as everyone knows that that type of hull design results in poor armor.
Let's Take A Look: Mittlerer Kampfwagen fuer Ausland (MKA)
2015年9月30日 · One of the projects to come out of this was the Mittlerer Kampfwagen fuer Ausland (Medium Tank for Other Countries), or simply MKA. The tank was inspired by early Panzer III models, but it would also serve as the groundwork for the earliest Panzer IVs. It featured a 4,5 cm cannon and was to weigh twelve tons.
MKA | Stats, Armor, Weakspots, Modules, Equipment
2025年3月20日 · MKA: armor layout, internal modules and crew, weak spots, stats. Choose equipment, perks and field mods. Compare with other tanks.