Modern Living
Located at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Modern Living is a 7-story luxury building for your ideal student living. The design includes sleek interiors, spacious floor plans, & a modern, clean aesthetic.
ML233E - Milwaukee Valve
Cast iron butterfly valve with lug pattern, EPDM liner, bubble-tight shut-off, ABS approved product, non-shock, lead-free surface for consumable water.
ML234E - Milwaukee Valve
Ductile Iron Butterfly Valve, Lug Pattern, EPDM LinerBubble-Tight Shut-OffABS Approved Product (2" -24")Non-ShockThe Wetted Surface of this Product Contacted by Consumable Water Contains Less than One Quarter of One Percent (.25%) of Lead by Weight.Options can be Combined, Please Consult FactoryActuation,Memory Stop,Stem Extension, Chainwheel2" – 12" rated 200 psi, 14" – 48" rated 150 psi
迈克尔-离心机专业制造商|台式|脱帽|低速|高速冷冻|实验室|生物安 …
湖南迈克尔实验仪器有限公司是一家集设计、研发生产、销售于一体的专业化高科技制造企业。 公司主要生产高速冷冻离心机、超大容量冷冻离心机、低速冷冻离心机、台式离心机、医用离心机、美容离心机、高速冷冻离心机、常温离心机、细胞涂片离心机、血型卡专用离心机、玻片甩干离心机、生物制药专用连续分离离心机等各种智能离心机,公司有两位高级技术工程师先后与日本托弥( TOMY)公司、美国贝克曼(BECKMAN)公司进行过技术合作,在离心机技术变革,研发 …
2025年2月10日 · Over the past year, we’ve rolled out more than 50 updates. In the four-county Milwaukee metro area, active listings increased by 10.7%, while sold listings rose by 9.4% compared to January 2024. The Months of Supply of Inventory also increased, rising 1.2% year over year. Who Do I Contact? Flexmls Updates: Dedicated Floor Plans Category & More!
MILWAUKEE VALVE, 2 in Pipe Size, Concentric, Butterfly Valve - 5MPA7|ML ...
Looking for MILWAUKEE VALVE, 2 in Pipe Size, Butterfly Valve? Find it at Grainger.com®. With over one million products and 24/7 customer service we have supplies and solutions for every industry.
Milwaukee Packout Thermal Bottle 1064 Ml (Red) - 48-22-8397R
2024年7月1日 · The Milwaukee Packout Thermos - 1L (Black) combines convenience and durability for everyday life and demanding working conditions. Designed with double wall vacuum insulation, retains optimum liquid temperature longer and resists impact, providing a practical and safe solution for carrying beverages.
锡球是一种电子焊锡部件,采用 BGA、CSP、WLCSP 等高集成封装技术,将半导体芯片、电路模块、PCB 板连接起来,以传输电信号。 MKE电子的蒸发金由金合金材料制成,是在半导体晶片表面形成薄膜用的核心材料,可按照客户的要求设计不同的合金成分。 我司拥有精密铸造及分析系统,并以TS14949质量系统及6sigma质量管理标准,竭尽全力满足客户的品质要求. 公司专注于半导体封装专用材料(键合丝、锡球及蒸发金等)的开发、制造与销售,拥有完整的原材料及设备 …
ML-KEM - Open Quantum Safe
ML-KEM Algorithm type: Key encapsulation mechanism. Main cryptographic assumption: Module LWE+R with base ring Z [x]/ (3329, x^256+1). Principal submitters: Peter Schwabe. Auxiliary submitters: Roberto Avanzi, Joppe Bos, Léo Ducas, Eike Kiltz, Tancrède Lepoint, Vadim Lyubashevsky, John M. Schanck, Gregor Seiler, Damien Stehlé.
FIPS203 后量子安全ML-KEM (标准简读) - CSDN博客
2024年11月7日 · FIPS 203是美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)发布的关于模块格基密钥封装机制(ML -KEM)的标准,旨在提供一种能抵御 量子计算机 攻击的密钥建立方案。 以下是对该文档的详细总结: 目的与范围:规定ML-KEM算法及参数集,用于在公共信道上建立共享密钥,提供了不同安全强度与性能权衡的参数集,包括ML-KEM - 512、ML-KEM - 768和ML-KEM - 1024。 背景:因量子计算机发展对现有公钥密码系统构成威胁,NIST开展后量子密码学标准化工作,ML …