Condenser microphone MKH 8020 - Sennheiser
Outstanding omni-directional instrument microphone. Ideal as a main mic for “spaced pair” and “Decca Tree” recordings or the use in an OSS “Jecklin Disk“ array. Wide frequency response: …
电容麦克风MKH 8020 | 森海塞尔 - Sennheiser
全向话筒 MKH 8020 是对大型或小型音源录音的理想选择,例如用于 “Decca Tree” 或者用于 OSS “Jecklin Disk” 阵列。 因为它没有距离效应,它也是近距离录音的好选择。
Sennheiser MKH 8020 Compact Omnidirectional Condenser MKH8020
2021年8月22日 · The MKH 8020 Omnidirectional Microphone from Sennheiser is a professional low-profile condenser microphone intended for crucial ambiance or close-microphone …
Sennheiser MKH 8020 Compact Omnidirectional MKH8020 …
The MKH 8020 Omnidirectional Microphone from Sennheiser is a stereo set professional low-profile condenser microphones intended for crucial ambiance or close-microphone recording. …
Amazon.com: Sennheiser MKH8020 Compact Omnidirectional Condenser ...
2010年3月10日 · Sennheiser MKH-8020 ST Stereo Set Pair of MKH 8020 Small Diaphragm OmniDdirectional Microphones. Looking for specific info?
MKH 8020 - MKH 8020 Stereoset r the use in an OSS “Jecklin Disk“ array. Espe-cially in acoustically favorable ambiences this excelle t microphone unfolds its outstanding quality. …
- [PDF]
8020 - Sennheiser
The MKH 8020 is a high-end omni-directional studio condenser microphone from the modular MKH 8000 microphone series. This series has the following features: Use a microphone cable …
Kondensatormikrofon MKH 8020 - Sennheiser
Hervorragendes Instrumentenmikrofon mit Kugelcharakteristik. Ideal als Hauptmikrofon für AB-Stereophonie, „Decca Tree“-Aufnahmen oder den Einsatz in einer OSS „Jecklin Disk“. …
Sennheiser Pro Audio Condenser Microphone (MKH 8020)
THIS PURCHASE & FUTURE PURCHASES - COVERED: Eligible purchases from the last year and everything you buy while enrolled—covered. EASY CLAIMS: File in minutes. We’ll repair, …
The MKH 8020 is a high-end omni-directional studio condenser microphone from the modular MKH 8000 microphone series. This series has the following features: Use a microphone cable …
【森海塞尔MKH 8020】报价_参数_图片_论坛_ (sennheiser)森海塞尔MKH 8020 …
2013年7月16日 · 中关村在线为您提供森海塞尔MKH 8020麦克风最新报价,同时包括森海塞尔MKH 8020图片、森海塞尔MKH 8020参数、森海塞尔MKH 8020评测行情、森海塞尔MKH …
MKH 8020 or MKH 8090? - Gearspace
2017年3月28日 · Hi all, struggling to make a decision between a pair MKH 8020s and MKH 8090s, weighing up all the advantages and disadvantages of the two patterns and which is …
MKH 8000 系列:捕捉真实的音频 | 森海塞尔枪式麦克风
MKH 8000 系列基于森海塞尔 MKH 800 Twin 麦克风著名的双音头技术,涵盖音频专业人士在各种录音应用中需要的所有麦克风,包括 MKH 8020 全向、MKH 8030 8 字形、MKH 8090 宽心型 …
Sennheiser MKH 8020 说明书 - 百度文库
The MKH 8020 is a high-end omni-directional studio condenser microphone from the modular MKH 8000 microphone series. This series has the following features: y Exceptionally low …
ゼンハイザージャパン株式会社 | SENNHEISER 製品 | MKH 8020
MKH 8020 は極めてローノイズで驚くべき広帯域の無指向性マイクロフォンです。 収音可能な周波数帯域は10 – 60 kHzと極めて広く、ハイレゾルーションでの録音にも対応できます。 ま …
Sennheiser MKH 8020 – Musikhaus Thomann
Sennheiser MKH 8020, Kondensator HF-Mikrofon, Kugel, modulares Design, 10 - 60.000 Hz, 138 dB SPL, 25 Ohm, extrem geringes Rauschen, matte Beschichtung, perfekt für …
Sennheiser MKH 8020 Stereo Set Omni-Directional Instrument
Outstanding omni-directional instrument microphone. Ideal as a main mic for “spaced pair” and “Decca Tree” recordings or the use in an OSS “Jecklin Disk“ array. Wide frequency response: …
コンデンサマイク MKH 8020 | Sennheiser
MKH 8020 は、10 Hz までの深い周波数特性を持ち、オルガンやグランドピアノ、ダブルベースなどの自然な美しい響きを録音するなら、最高の選択です。
Sennheiser MKH 8020 Stereo Pair – Thomann France
Des micros très sensibles, hyper précis dans la restitution des moindres détails ? utilisés en extérieur dans des ambiances très calmes, attention au moindre bruissement de vêtement ou …
Sennheiser MKH 8020 – Thomann Italia
Condenser Microphone Directional characteristic: Omnidirectional, Compact design, Frequency response: 10 - 60,000 Hz, Maximum sound pressure level: 138 dB SPL, 25 Ohm, …
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