by H.J.-Haase.13 The order of the MKH-Haase stereotests was Line Test, Step Test, and then Hand Test at distance. The same order was used at near except there was no Hand Test. The protocol of MKH-Haase method is to present the stereoacuity charts after measuring and correcting the associated phoria.13 The MKH-Haase method uses the stereoacuity
MKH-Haase Charts of Binocular Vision Measurements: …
The Pola Test measures associated phoria and stereoacuity at distance and near using a variety of different targets for each. This testing method and interpretation is referred to as MKH-Haase (Measuring and Correcting Methodology after H.J.Haase –the MKH) method.
Each of the horizontal and vertical distance phoria was measured by MKH test and dissociated phoria tests (Maddox rod test, Von Graefe test, Howell phoria card test). Also the prism prescription values by dissociated phoria tests were compared to them by MKH test.
Repeatability of Associated Phoria Tests - PubMed
The aim of this study was to investigate the test-retest repeatability of the distance and near associated phoria tests for the MKH-Haase charts and other clinical tests. Methods: Horizontal and vertical associated phorias were measured at distance and near for 34 symptomatic and 40 asymptomatic participants with different tests.
Hans-Joachim Haase (optician) - Wikipedia
Hans-Joachim Haase (1915 – December 20, 2001) was a German clockmaker, optician and inventor, who became known for an apparatus for testing binocular vision and for the MKH method, an alternative method intended to improve binocular vision using corrective lenses.
Testing - AOC
AOC includes more than 60 dynamic, interactive tests, grouped in 5 main programs: Visual Acuity, Refraction, Contrast Sensitivity, Binocular and Driver’s License.
(PDF) Comparison of MKH-Haase Associated Phoria Charts with Other ...
2016年11月1日 · Background: The Pola Test measures associated phoria at distance and near using a variety of different targets. This testing method and interpretation is referred to as the MKH-Haase method....
Associated phoria and the Measuring and Correcting ... - Semantic …
2001年1月1日 · The MKH (Measuring and Correcting Methodology after H.-J. Haase) challenges many accepted ideas about the plasticity of the visual system and the use of prisms in the treatment of sensory abnormalities.
10 MKH 1.2 Vision testing instrument To perform MCH, the visual conditions must be as natural as possible. The essential prerequisites include: adequate illumination of the test field, sufficiently large test field frame, dark test types presented with adequate contrast against a bright surround,
Die MKH Testmethode – schoenebrilleerlangen
2015年8月13日 · Bei diesem Test wird die Augen-achs-stellung beurteilt. Also: wie stehen die Augen beim Blick auf ein Objekt zueinander? In der Fachsprache nennen wir das Konvergenz und Differgenz. Am Sehen sind aber noch drei andere Bereiche beteiligt, welche ich Euch als nächstes genauer erklären möchte. Bis dahin, alles Gute ! Eure Stefanie
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