尼康(中国) - 无线遥控器 ML-L3 - 产品介绍
该红外遥控器可以远程控制释放快门。 就像自拍一样,该控制器可以用于自拍像和避免按下快门时相机的抖动。
Using the ML-L3 Remote Control - nikonimgsupport.com
2016年12月21日 · There are two settings that can be used with the ML-L3. Gives operator time to pose when taking self-portrait using remote control. Ensures quick shutter response. Can be used to reduce blurring caused by camera shake. When the ML-L3 remote control is used in M mode, users can select '- -' as the shutter speed.
手把手教你DIY尼康ML-L3红外遥控器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
リモコンML-L3 - 概要 | アクセサリー | ニコン
按下ML-L3快门释放按钮一次可弹起反光板,再按一次则释放快门并拍摄照片。 可防止反光板弹起时由于照相机晃动而引起的模糊。 使用ML-L3无法释放快门。
Trigger the shutter remotely when using slower shutter speeds to prevent camera movement. Infrared Remote Control enables wireless remote shutter release of select Nikon cameras. The range is approx. 16 ft in front of the camera. The ML-L3 offers an immediate release mode and two second delay mode.
D7000 ML-L3 遥控器使用方法-蜂鸟网 - 蜂鸟摄影论坛
2011年2月28日 · 我是菜鸟,请问尼康D7000怎样使用ML-L3遥控器? 我应该怎样改变相机的设置? 请说详细点儿,不胜感激!
ML-L3 remote control with D7200 and AF lock
2020年12月12日 · ML-L3 doesn't have 1/2 press mode (and I believe MC-DC2 also) .. it just triggers instant AF-ON operation (autofocus adjusting) while pressed .. ^^ will it automatically adjust the focus when AF if on while using remote control ? I will have to try some things out when I get home from work.
ML-L3 Remote Information - Digital Photography Review
2017年6月28日 · The incredibly wonderful ML-L3 'key fob' remote is officially specified as requiring a CR2025 battery. I was just in a situation where I had a dead battery and was desperate to use the thing. I asked a friend if she had any 'button' batteries. She came up with a CR2032, and it worked perfectly.
手把手教你DIY尼康ML-L3红外遥控器 - CSDN博客
2019年11月16日 · ml-l3是用于尼康部分型号相机的无线红外遥控器,可以通过红外方式来控制快门的释放,支持b门拍摄。官方售价100rmb左右,山寨版售价10rmb左右。虽然也能实现基本的遥控功能,但是功能还是比较单一,如不能实现定时拍摄,即用来拍摄制作延时视频的素材。