Brigadier General Kevin G. Collins - 3d Marine Logistics Group
BGen Collins has served in each of the Marine Expeditionary Forces in both the Ground and Logistics Combat Elements. As a Company Grade Officer, he served in 1st Battalion, 10 th …
Brigadier General Andrew M. Niebel - 1st Marine Logistics Group
Brigadier General Niebel’s most recent assignment was Commanding General, Marine Corps Installations East/Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, NC. He assumed his current duties as …
Home [www.1stmlg.marines.mil]
For 76 years 1st MLG Marines and Sailors have proven themselves, in both peacetime and combat, across the range of military operations from the wars in Korea and Vietnam to the …
3d Marine Logistics Group
Providing responsive combat logistics support to III MEF and other Marine Forces within our area of operations, and to joint, combined, and federal agencies as directed, through expeditionary...
Brigadier General Maura M. Hennigan - 2nd Marine Logistics Group
Brigadier General Hennigan is a graduate of The Basic School, Logistics Officer Course, U.S. Army Combined Logistics Captains’ Career Course, and Marine Corps Command and Staff …
Biographies - 2nd Marine Logistics Group
Commanding General, 2nd Marine Logistics Group Brigadier General Hennigan was commissioned through Officer’s Candidate Course as a Second Lieutenant, June 1994 after …
Leaders - 2nd Marine Logistics Group
Brigadier General McWilliams is a native of Downingtown, PA. He graduated from West Virginia University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science and was commissioned...
Brigadier General McWilliams assumes command of 2nd Marine Logistics Group
2022年6月8日 · MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. – Brig. Gen. Michael E. McWilliams assumed command of 2nd Marine Logistics Group (MLG) from Brig. Gen. Forrest …
Installations and Logistics (I&L) Leadership
Brigadier General Forrest C. Poole entered the United States Marine Corps in 1993 after graduating from The Citadel. The commands Brigadier General Poole has served with: …
Brigadier General McWilliams assumes command of 2nd Marine Logistics Group
2022年6月9日 · Brig. Gen. Michael E. McWilliams assumed command of 2nd Marine Logistics Group (MLG) from Brig. Gen. Forrest C. Poole III during a change of command ceremony at …