From c-Fos to MMP-9: In control of synaptic plasticity to produce ...
2018年10月15日 · TIMP-1 and MMP-9 compose an extracellularly operating enzymatic system active locally around excitatory synapses to modulate their morphology, molecular content and efficacy. Animal studies have implicated MMP-9 in a variety of neuropsychiatric conditions, e.g., epileptogenesis, autism spectrum disorders, development of addiction, and depression.
A selective inhibition of c-Fos/activator protein-1 as a potential ...
2017年12月5日 · Further, the levels of MMP-3, MMP-13, ADAMTS-5 and IL-1β mRNAs were significantly increased by IL-1β treatment and significantly decreased by T-5224 in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1d).
Transcriptional Inhibition of Matrix Metal loproteinase 9 (MMP-9 ...
1999年10月1日 · The MMP-9 promoter has several transcription factor binding motifs, including those for AP-1, ETS family members, Sp -1, and NF-KB [18,19]. Coordinate activation of these sites was required for regulation of promoter activity by tumor necrosis factor or phorbol esters [12,13]. Both ETS and AP-1 sites were required for ras-induced upregulation ...
Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) 9 Transcription in Mouse Brain …
2013年7月7日 · Background: Matrix metalloproteinase 9 is involved in fear-associated memory formation wherein transcriptional regulation is poorly known. Results: Overexpression and promoter binding activity of AP-1 factors regulate MMP-9 transcription, preceding elevated enzymatic activity in mouse brain. Conclusion: c-Fos and c-Jun AP-1 components positively regulate MMP-9 transcription in fear learning.
组织透明化三维成像技术揭示小鼠整脑c-FOS蛋白分布 - 知乎
Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Induces Matrix …
However, as already mentioned, MMP-9 gene expression seems to be modulated in a cell type/stimulus-specific manner. Our results demonstrate that MMP-9 transcription is increased by synaptic activity and is dependent on TrkB signaling. It has been shown that increasing synaptic activity with bicuculline induces the expression of BDNF (50–52 ...
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor induces matrix ... - PubMed
Furthermore, as the c-Fos gene is a known target of serum response factor (SRF), we investigated whether SRF contributes to MMP-9 transcription. Inhibition of SRF and its cofactors by either overexpression of dominant negative mutants or shRNA decreased MMP-9 promoter activation. In contrast, MMP-9 transcription was not dependent on CREB activity.
T-5224 | c-Fos/AP-1抑制剂 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
T-5224 是选择性的转录因子 c-Fos/activator protein (AP)-1 抑制剂,具有抗炎活性,能特异性抑制 c-Fos/c-Jun 的 DNA 结合活性,而不影响其他转录因子的结合活性。T-5224 抑制 IL-1β 诱导的 Mmp-3、Mmp-13、Adamts-5 转录上调。- 高纯度,全球文献引用。
细胞因子诱导的富含半胱氨酸的丝氨酸核蛋白1(CSRNP1)选择性 …
胶原蛋白分解基质金属蛋白酶(mmps)-1和mmp-13导致的不可逆软骨胶原蛋白分解是与组织破坏(如关节炎)相关的病理学中的关键事件。 ... 此外,在类似于cfos的mrna和蛋白水平上,csrnp1的表达出现了一个短暂的峰值,随后与cfos不同,csrnp1的表达持续存在。
Transcriptional inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9 ...
Increased expression of MMP-9 has been associated with acquisition of invasive phenotype in many tumors. However, multiple mechanisms for regulation of MMP-9 gene expression by tumor cell lines have been proposed. A number of transcription factor binding sites have been characterized in the upstream regulatory region of the MMP-9 gene ...