What is the MMP voting system? - New Zealand Parliament
The 2017 election was the first time since New Zealand switched to the MMP voting system that the party with the largest number of seats was unable to form a Government with other parties. In the 2017 election, the National Party won 56 seats. Even though this was more than any other party, it was not enough to govern alone; it was also not ...
Electoral system of New Zealand - Wikipedia
The New Zealand parliamentary electoral system has been based on the principle of mixed-member proportional (MMP) since the 1996 election.MMP was introduced following a referendum in 1993.It replaced the first-past-the-post (FPP) system New Zealand had previously used for most of its history. Under the MMP system, New Zealanders have two secret ballot votes to elect members of Parliament (MPs).
What is MMP? - Elections
MMP is the voting system we use in New Zealand. It stands for ‘Mixed Member Proportional’. We use MMP to choose who represents us in Parliament. Parliament has 120 seats for its members of Parliament (MPs). During an election, political parties try …
The road to MMP - New Zealand History
2021年6月9日 · In 1993 New Zealanders voted in a referendum to change their voting system from the traditional first past the post (FPP) method to mixed member proportional representation (MMP). This was the most dramatic change to the country's electoral system since the introduction of women's suffrage exactly 100 years before.
What is our MMP voting system? - New Zealand Parliament
2020年5月27日 · The 2020 election was the first time this has happened since New Zealand switched to the MMP voting system, when the Labour Party won 65 seats — enough to form a Government alone. The Labour Party invited the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, which had 10 seats, to a cooperation agreement in which the co-leaders of the Green Party became ...
The introduction of MMP - Elections
In October 2009, the National-led government announced that a referendum on New Zealand’s voting system would be held at the same time as the 2011 General Election, to check whether people continued to support MMP. In the referendum, voters were asked if New Zealand should keep MMP. 58% voted to retain MMP, and 42% voted for change.
The history of MMP - Elections
More on the history of MMP. There’s more information on the Royal Commission, the MMP referendums and the reviews of our electoral system on our website. A Royal Commission and two referendums. You can also find information on Te Ara – The Encyclopedia of New Zealand, and on NZ History. Te Ara: Parliament - Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New ...
MMP turns 25 — looking back after quarter of a century - New Zealand ...
2021年10月12日 · MMP was first used for New Zealand’s 1996 general election. A further non-binding referendum on whether to retain MMP was held in conjunction with the 2011 general election. An increased majority (58%) voted to keep MMP, with Māori electorates overwhelmingly in favour (82.8%). General electorates with the highest level of support for MMP ...
How our electoral system works – Electoral Commission
Only those who are correctly enrolled get to vote and have their say in New Zealand’s decision making. ... MMP (Mixed Member Proportional) is the system we currently use to elect our Parliament. More information on MMP and our system of government is available on our website.
What is MMP? Everything you need to know about how New Zealand …
2023年9月28日 · Mixed-member proportional is the system New Zealand uses to elect our parliament – but how does it work? With the 2023 election season in full swing, you’ve probably seen the term MMP being ...