What is Meet Me Room(MMR) in Data Centers - Smart Data …
2020年7月27日 · A meet-me room (MMR) is a secure place where customers can connect to one or more carriers. This area enables cable companies, ISPs, and other providers to cross-connect with tenants in the data center. An MMR contains cabinets and racks with carriers’ hardware that allows quick and reliable data transfer.
IDC中的Meet-Me-Room是什么? - 知乎
Meet Me Room (MMR)是出租型数据中心中一个划分专属区域,位置在ER之后,各个Cage之前。 为用户和电信运营商或ISP之间提供一个进行连接的独立空间。 设置MMR的好处有:
What is an MMR (Meet-Me-Room) in a Data Center? - FS …
2024年6月22日 · A meet-me-room is a secure room inside a data center that allows organizations to connect to one or multiple carriers. More specifically, an MMR enables internet service providers (ISPs), cable companies, cloud service providers, and other tenants to cross-connect.
Meet-me room - Wikipedia
A meet-me room (MMR) is a place within a colocation center (or carrier hotel) where telecommunications companies can physically connect to one another and exchange data without incurring local loop fees. [1] Services provided across connections in an MMR may be voice circuits, data circuits, or Internet Protocol traffic.
What is MMR? - DATA4 - data4group.com
2020年12月10日 · The Meet-Me Room (MMR) is the key location in a datacenter, where all the cables and fibres from the data center racks arrive. They are then plugged in and connected to each other to facilitate the exchange of data, creating a complete ecosystem of connectivity. DATA4 points out the importance of MMR, how it works, and why it is useful.
To the Meet-Me Room and Back: The Most Important Room in …
The meet-me room (MMR) is typically found with the data center, both co-location and owner operated. It provides a managed and secure space for interconnection of carrier services to the facility and owner’s internal network.
What is a Meet-Me-Room? A Space for Interconnection - Volico
2022年10月6日 · A meet-me-room is a secure room inside a data center that allows organizations to connect to one or multiple carriers. More specifically, an MMR enables internet service providers (ISPs), cable companies, cloud service providers, and other tenants to cross-connect .
2012年5月4日 · Meet Me Room (MMR)是共享(中立)数据中心中一个划分专属区域,位置在ER之后,各个Cage之前。 为用户和电信运营商或ISP之间提供一个进行连接的独立空间。
Meet Me Room_豪哥的技术博客的技术博客_51CTO博客
2012年5月4日 · Meet Me Room (MMR)是共享(中立)数据中心中一个划分专属区域,位置在ER之后,各个Cage之前。 为用户和电信运营商或ISP之间提供一个进行连接的独立空间。
请问有么有哪位IT业界人事晓得meet-me-room的具体概念?_百度 …
2008年10月16日 · Meet Me Room (MMR)是共享(中立)数据中心中一个划分专属区域,位置在ER之后,各个Cage之前。 为用户和电信运营商或ISP之间提供一个进行连接的独立空间。