乙酰丙酮锰 - 百度百科
乙酰丙酮锰(III)是一种化学物质,分子式是C15H21MnO6,常温下为黑色或墨绿色粉末。 1. 性状:有光泽的黑色或墨绿色单斜系晶体。 2. 密度(g/mL,25/4℃):不确定. 3. 相对蒸汽密度(g/mL,空气=1):不确定. 4. 熔点(ºC):不确定. 5. 沸点(ºC,0.67kpa或5 mmHg):不确定. 6. 折射率:不确定. 7. 闪点(ºC):不确定. 8. 比旋光度(ºC):不确定. 9. 自燃点或引燃温度(ºC)不确定. 10. 蒸气压(kPa,25ºC):不确定. 11. 饱和蒸气压(kPa,60ºC):不确定. 12. …
Metal acetylacetonates - Wikipedia
Typically both oxygen atoms bind to the metal to form a six-membered chelate ring. The simplest complexes have the formula M (acac) 3 and M (acac) 2. Mixed-ligand complexes, e.g. VO (acac) 2, are also numerous. Variations of acetylacetonate have also been developed with myriad substituents in place of methyl (RCOCHCOR ′ −). [1] .
Manganese(III) acetylacetonate technical grade 14284-89-0
2,4-Pentanedione manganese(III) derivative, Manganic acetylacetonate, Mn(acac) 3
乙酰丙酮锰 | 14284-89-0 - ChemicalBook
ChemicalBook 为您提供乙酰丙酮锰 (14284-89-0)的化学性质,熔点,沸点,密度,分子式,分子量,物理性质,毒性,结构式,海关编码等信息,同时您还可以浏览乙酰丙酮锰 (14284-89-0)产品的价格,供应商,贸易商,生产企业和生产厂家,最后乙酰丙酮锰 (14284-89-0)的中文,英文,用途,CAS,上下游产品信息可能也是您需要的。
Synthesis and Thermal Stability of Manganese(III) Acetylacetonate ...
2023年9月20日 · Thermolysis of β-Mn(acac) 3 in a dry inert atmosphere proceeds in three stages. At the first stage (140–240°C), Mn(acac) 3 melts and decomposes to form anhydrous Mn(acac) 2. The second stage proceeds in the temperature range of 300–400°C: manganese(II) acetylacetonate decomposes to a mixture of Mn 3 O 4 and Mn 2 O 3.
乙酰丙酮锰(III) technical grade | Sigma-Aldrich
乙酰丙酮锰(III) technical grade; CAS Number: 14284-89-0; EC Number: 238-188-3; Synonyms: 2,4-戊二酮 锰(III) 衍生物,乙酰丙酮锰,锰(acac)3; Linear Formula: Mn(C5H7O2)3 at Sigma-Aldrich
乙酰丙酮锰(III) - 百度百科
乙酰丙酮锰 (III)是化学物质,分子式是C15H21MnO6。
Mn(acac)3 | C15H21MnO6 - ChemSpider
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for Mn(acac)3, HYZQBNDRDQEWAN-LNTINUHCSA-K
Mn(acac)3 is green by transmitted light, owing to a single broad d-d transition at about 500 nm. KMnO 4 is deep purple, owing to a charge transfer transition with high molar absorptivity. The ligand (acac) in the product is the anion of acetylacetone, 2,4-pentanedione, CH3COCH2COCH3, Hacac. Mn(acac)3 has octahedrally coordinated Mn3+ (D3 . Oh).
Manganese(III) acetylacetonate | Mn(acac)3 - Ereztech
Synonym: Mn (acac)3, Manganic acetylacetonate, 2, 4-Pentanedione manganese (III) derivative, Manganic acetylacetate. CAS Number 14284-89-0 | MDL Number MFCD00000023 | EC Number 238-188-3. Ereztech manufactures and sells this product in small and bulk volumes. Glass ampules, bottles or metal ampules or bubblers are available for packaging.
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