Multinational Corporation (MNC) - Overview, Characteristics, …
What is a Multinational Corporation (MNC)? A multinational corporation (MNC) is a company that operates in its home country, as well as in other countries around the world. It maintains a central office located in one country, which coordinates the management of all of its other offices, such as administrative branches or factories.
跨國公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
跨國公司、多國公司(英語: Multinational Corporation ,MNC),經常被稱為跨國企業(英語: Multinational Enterprise ,MNE),是在世界多国有營運,且规模龐大的股份有限公司。 它們在不同的国家或地區设有办事处、工厂或分公司,通常还有一个总部用来协调全球的管理工作。
What Is a Multinational Corporation? - Investopedia
2024年6月7日 · A multinational corporation (MNC) has business operations in at least two countries, often with headquarters in one country and subsidiaries, manufacturing plants, and offices...
Multinational corporation - Wikipedia
A multinational corporation (MNC) is usually a large corporation incorporated in one country that produces or sells goods or services in various countries. [19] Two common characteristics shared by MNCs are their large size and centrally controlled worldwide activities.
MNC(Multi National Company)“ 多国公司 ”这一术语用以指那种拥有遍布全球的子公司或销售网络的大公司,对这类商业企业的另一种称法是“跨国公司”。 “多国公司”这一术语用以指那种拥有遍布全球的子公司或销售网络的大公司,对这类商业企业的另一种称法是“世界公司”。 许多这样的巨型公司都是家喻户晓的,比如: 可口可乐, 亨氏, 索尼, 日立, IBM,阿克索以及 通用汽车公司 等。 这类大公司控制着雄厚的资金。 在政治、 经济体制 各异的不同国家里经营着他们的帝国 …
Multinational Corporation: Definition; How It Works; Four Types
Unraveling the Global Giants: Understanding Multinational Corporations. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the role of multinational corporations (MNCs) in the global economy has never been more significant.
Multinational Corporation: Definition And How It Works
2024年4月30日 · Multinational corporations, or MNCs, are large companies that have operations in multiple countries. They possess a global mindset and cater to diverse markets worldwide. MNCs are typically characterized by a centralized management structure, a strong brand presence, and the ability to leverage economies of scale.
什么是跨国公司 (MNC)? - 知乎专栏
跨国公司 (MNC) 是在两个或多个国家/地区开展业务的公司。 这些公司通常由总部管理并在其本国设有中央办公室,但在全球设有办事处。
MNC众生相:谁最重视中国市场? - 36氪
经过系统复盘,所有以制药为主业的MNC中,共有9家公司披露了中国区的营收数据,分别是:默沙东、阿斯利康、拜耳、罗氏、诺华、赛诺菲、诺和诺德、礼来、艾伯维。 (营收全部统一为美元口径) 以整体来看,这九家公司中国区的营收总和呈显著增长态势,由2018年的172.99亿美元,增至2023年的313.98亿元,年化复合增长率约为12.5%。...
Case Studies of Leading Multinational Companies - The Fact Factor
2024年11月26日 · Management > International Business Management > Multinational companies > Case Studies of Leading Multinational Companies. Multinational companies (MNCs) are powerful drivers of the global economy, shaping industries, innovation, and international trade. By operating across multiple countries, these corporations navigate diverse challenges while leveraging opportunities to create value for ...