转矩mN.m与 N.m转换关系 - 百度知道
转矩mN.m与 N.m转换关系是:1N.M=1000mN.M 100cNm=100N*1cm=1Nm;T=转矩(mN.m, cN.m, N.m ); F=施加的切向力(N);L=切向力与轴垂直距离(cm);
Convert Millinewton Meter to Newton Meter - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for millinewton meter to newton meter conversion or vice versa. The millinewton meter [mN*m] to newton meter [N*m] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert millinewton meter or newton meter to other moment of force units or learn more about moment of force conversions.
力矩,扭矩換算器 | 米計算 meCalculator
在單位的空格輸入數值,立即進行各種單位之間的等值換算。 扭力矩單位線上快速換算, [國際單位SI制] 牛頓米N·m, 牛頓公分N·cm (cN·m), 牛頓毫米N·mm (m·Nm); [公制] 克力公分gf·cm, 千克力公分kgf·cm, 千克力公尺kgf·m; [英制] 磅力英尺lbf·ft, 磅力英吋lbf·in, 盎司力英吋ozf·in。
电机参数中力矩单位kgf.cm,Nm,mNm表示的含义 - CSDN博客
2023年2月11日 · 如果是资料中的60~120单位是N.m,那么就相当于600~1200N.dm,这就相当于60kg-120kg的物体,很明显这种情况是不合适的(正常人扭动一个螺丝不可能相当于一个200斤的人在离轴10cm的地方的力),况且螺丝刀的半径也不可能达到10cm。
牛顿米与牛顿毫米换算 -- EndMemo
Convert newton meter [N·m] to millinewton meter [mN·m]
In SI, the moment of force is measured in newton-meter (N·m). One newton meter is equal to the torque resulting from a one-newton force applied perpendicularly to a one-meter-long moment arm. In CGS, the moment of force is measured in gram-force centimeter (gf·cm). Using the Moment of Force Converter Converter
Convert mNm to Nm (Millinewton meter to Newton meter)
From the selection list, choose the unit that corresponds to the value you want to convert, in this case 'Millinewton meter [mNm]'. Finally choose the unit you want the value to be converted to, in this case ' Newton meter [Nm] '.
毫牛米单位换算 -- EndMemo
毫牛米 (mN.m)与其它力矩单位在线换算,包括厘牛顿米,达因米,千牛厘米,千牛分米,千牛米,千牛毫米,牛顿米......
转矩1mNm是多少NM? - 百度知道
Convert millinewton meter to newton-meter - Conversion of …
Newton metre is the unit of moment in the SI system. Its symbol is N m or N·m. It is a compound unit of torque corresponding to the torque from a force of 1 newton applied over a distance arm of 1 metre. Metric conversions and more. ConvertUnits.com provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find ...