MODAF. OV-2 Operational Node Relationship Description
MODAF modifies the OV-2 in two ways. First it recommends that an OV-2 diagram (now OV2a) shows the platforms or geographic locations at which operational nodes are deployed. Secondly it provides additional information (OV-2b) about each needline in …
[Withdrawn] MOD Architecture Framework - GOV.UK
2012年12月12日 · Each Viewpoint consists of several views, which highlight slightly different details within the particular Viewpoint. For instance within the Operational Viewpoint, OV -1 provides a high level...
OV-2 -操作节点关系描述 - lib.uml.com.cn
OV-2可以是向非技术涉众表达现有体系结构和建议体系结构之间差异的强大方式,因为它可以用来强调信息如何流动 (或不流动),而不会变得过于复杂。 节点是可以产生、消耗或处理信息、能源、材料或人员的能力的逻辑元素。 节点的构成在不同的体系结构中是不同的。 下面是一些例子: 逻辑或功能分组 (如物流节点、智能节点)。 一个组织的总部 (如指挥部)或一个组织类型 (如联合特遣部队总部)。 与其他功能互操作的需求。 除了逻辑节点之外,MODAF还允许在ov -2上描述已知 …
MODAF Software Guide - OV-2 - Operational Node Relationship Description
2020年1月7日 · A MODAF software with MODAF viewpoint manager, EA modeler, and EA reporting tool. Step-by-Step MODAF guide - Learn how to work with OV-2 - Operational Node Relationship Description.
OV-2: Operational Resource Flow Description - U.S. Department of …
New to DoDAF V2.0, the OV-2 can be used to show flows of funding, personnel and materiel in addition to information. A specific application of the OV-2 is to describe a logical pattern of...
OV-2作战资源流描述 - UML
OV-2是DoDAF V2.0的新增功能,除信息外,还可用于显示资金,人员和物资的流动。 OV-2的特定应用是描述资源(信息,资金,人员或物资)流动的逻辑模式。 逻辑模式不必与特定的组织,系统或位置相对应,从而允许在不规定处理资源流的方式且不规定解决方案的情况下建立资源流。 ·操作概念的定义。 ·详细的能力要求。 ·协作需求的定义。 ·将本地上下文应用于功能。 ·问题空间定义。 ·运营计划。 ·供应链分析。 ·将活动分配给资源。 ·基于UML类图的OV-2图。 ·基 …
Paradigm provides an easy-to-use, model-driven MODAF tool that supports the development of MODAF views and models. You can create integrated MODAF products and generate
MODAF White Paper on Systems View 1 (OV-2): Operational …
2005年3月29日 · Product Definition – The Operational Node Connectivity Specification (OV-2a) graphically depicts the operational nodes (or organizations) with needlines between those nodes that indicate a need to exchange information. The OV-2a may also show the location (geographic, or platform) of operational nodes.
OV-2 operational node connectivity diagram concepts
According to the MODAF 1.2 specification, the nodes on the OV-2 do not need to correspond to specific organisations, systems, or locations. This allows you to establish Information Exchange Requirements (IERs) without inadvertently specifying solutions.
OV-2 Operational Resource Flow Description - No Magic
New to DoDAF V2.0, the OV-2 can be used to show flows of funding, personnel and materiel in addition to information. A specific application of the OV-2 is to describe a logical pattern of resource (information, funding, personnel, or materiel) flows.