Lmg-Pist 41/44 - Wikipedia
The Lmg.-Pistole Mod. 1941/44 – also known as Furrer MP 41/44, MP41/44 and LMG-Pistole – was the first submachine gun manufactured in Switzerland for the Swiss Army. The weapon …
MP 41/44 submachine gun: post-WWII use – wwiiafterwwii
2016年7月31日 · SIG’s entrant was the MP 41, a logical development of it’s private MK37 design. This submachine gun fired the worldwide-standard 9mm Parabellum cartridge (1,312fps …
SIG MP41 - Wikipedia
SIG MP-41 Neuhausen Submachine Gun is a Swiss submachine gun designed by Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft in 1941. It was one of submachine gun candidates for …
MP41衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
MP41是 MP40冲锋枪 改用 MP28衝鋒槍 射控裝置的修改型,沿用前者的 提前擊發底火式反沖作用 和 開放式槍栓,但改為MP28的木製槍托、擊發機構和快慢機。 從外觀上的特徵而言,就是 …
MP 41/44 – Wikipedia
Die MP 41/44, auch Lmg.-Pistole Mod. 1941/44 genannt, war die erste in der Schweiz für die Schweizer Armee hergestellte Ordonnanz-Maschinenpistole. Die Funktion der MP 41/44 …
Furrer MP41 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The Furrer MP41, also known as the Leichtes Maschinengewehr Pistole 41 (German: Lightweight Machine Gun Pistol 41) or Lmg-Pist 41, is a Swiss submachine gun that was produced by …
The MP41/44 Submachine Gun Was Beautifully-Constructed
2017年3月13日 · The MP41 and MP41/44 are perhaps the most over-engineered, expensive and complex submachine guns ever mass-produced. Production began in late 1941 and, by June …
Swiss MP-41/44: Adolph Furrer and His Toggle Lock Fascination
It was a short-recoil, toggle-locked gun using a side-mounted 40 round single-feed magazine and firing at a rate of 850-900 rounds/minute. Predictably, production delays meant that the threat of...
Waffen Details Maschinenpistole 41/44 (LMG/P)
2014年1月23日 · Die Maschinenpistole 41/44 (LMG/P) ist eine zuschiessende Waffe, bei welcher der Kniegelenk-Verschluss bei Abgabe des Schusses offen ist und beim Drücken des Abzugs …
Swiss Week – MP41/44 - Forgotten Weapons
2012年7月25日 · The Swiss MP41/44 submachine gun was basically an LMG25 action scaled down to use 9x19 Luger ammunition.