MP7 Acog is BACK (and it has no recoil) - YouTube
2024年3月4日 · 🔴Live on Twitch at 3 EST Everyday → https://www.twitch.tv/oozie💎SOCIALS💎Twitch → https://www.twitch.tv/oozieTwitter → https://twitter.com/ooziieGTiktok ...
FYI: MP7 Acog is available on Sam Fisher : r/shittyrainbow6 - Reddit
2024年3月25日 · MP7 feels like a pea shooter without a stock on it, if you don't aim for those headshots you wont do much and at farther distances you can only pray to headshot with full auto. Here come the flickshot mp7 mains to bash me for "skill issue"
[逃离塔科夫] MP7 Acog太强了 - 哔哩哔哩
[逃离塔科夫] MP7 Acog太强了共计2条视频,包括:mp7 画质可能好一点、mp7等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Why the removal of MP7 and 416 C ACOG? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
2017年8月15日 · Please do not remove the ACOG on the MP7 and 416. Do not listen to the coppers and silvers, listen to the pros and the higher ranks. Do not listen to the reddit community that shows little to no knowledge of the game.
Zero's MP7 deserves the 2.5x ACOG sight. : r/SiegeAcademy - Reddit
2021年8月3日 · The MP7 is a viable option because it has a faster fire rate, good recoil, and SMG pull up time on attack. All SMG’s on attack only get 1.5 because if they got any higher magnification, it’d be OP.
放大瞄准镜 - R6S百科 | 虹彩六號:圍攻行動 | Tom Clancy's …
北约制式的 先进战斗光学瞄准镜 现实中是一种由 Trijicon 公司研制及生产的光学瞄准镜系统。 ACOG光学瞄准镜装置在设计上是用在M16系列步枪(即是M4卡宾枪也可装上),但Trijicon公司制造的ACOG配件亦可协助安装于其他的武器。 不同型号的ACOG可提供1.25~6倍的放大倍率。 [1] 与许多 反射式瞄准镜 相反,ACOG内部的叠加式标线是由内置式萤光粉作夜间照明。 有些型号更会在瞄准镜的外部顶部端加上一条采光用途的被动外置式光纤导光管系统,以便在白天时间 …
我回到2017年的老R6了...德国双雄ACOG回归! 2.5倍镜R4-C、MP7 …
ash的acog回来了! |虹彩六号搞笑精华,Goyo即将被拔机动盾?30秒告诉你 为何不该砍! 史上最可怜干员|彩虹六号搞笑精华,𝟴𝟬𝟬滴血的枪盾 𝗩𝗦 𝟭发𝟴𝟬𝟬的𝗧𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗮(R6远古版本),𝗦𝗠𝗚-𝟭𝟮曾经是𝗥𝟲最强的冲锋枪?
Mp7 Acog is *BACK* - Rainbow Six Siege Shadow Legacy
Thanks for watching!My Champion Account: https://tabstats.com/siege/player/shawk-dg/f31ae0cc-06e6-4ef1-a717-67b3b43af615Tip Videos Playlist: https://www.yout...
Bandit's MP7 :: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege General Discussions
2016年11月10日 · Do you guys burst or let it rip with the acog? Who the hell uses MP7, when you have a freakin' pump action handcannon that 1-shots everyone. My tactic is simple: Hide somewhere, and then, when no one expects you, run and kill all the attackers. They'll get shocked and won't be able to shoot you.
MP7 - Rainbow Six Wiki
The MP7 is a submachine gun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is available for use by Jäger and IQ . It is unlocked for the former at Operator level 3 and for the latter at Operator level 6.
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