僱員 - 積金局 - MPFA
僱主必須以僱主本身的資金為僱員作強制性供款,並須就每個供款期(一般指糧期)從僱員的有關入息中扣除僱員的供款。 如按日、按周或每半個月支薪一次,僱主須先以每日最高$1,000及最低$280的有關入息水平來計算糧期的上、下限,以釐定供款額。 以按周支薪為例,一星期的日數為七天,因此有關入息上限為 $7,000($1,000 x 7天),下限則為$1,960($280 x 7天)。 如供款日是星期六、公眾假日、烈風/黑色暴雨警告日或積金易平台暫停運作的日子(而暫停對僱主執 …
强积金(MPF)全称是强制性公积金(Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes),除了小数个别人士获豁免外,强制18至未满65岁在港就业的人士均须参加强积金计划。受强积金制度涵盖的雇员和雇主双方须定期向强积金计划作出供款。
強制性公積金 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
強制性公積金計劃(英語:Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes;簡稱強積金或MPF),是香港的一項退休保障計劃,香港立法局於1995年7月27日通過《強制性公積金計劃條例》,並在2000年12月1日正式實行。除了少數人士獲豁免外,該計劃強制18至65歲的香港僱員參與。
強積金2025:MPF新手超詳盡教學!精明選擇基金 好好打理血汗錢
GovHK: Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) System - 香港政府一站通
Find an overview of MPF fund types, features, investment objectives, investment instrument, risk levels, and fees and charges. MPF Calculators Make use of the online calculator to estimate how much you will need for retirement, or calculate your MPF accrued benefits.
Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority - MPFA
The MPFA strives to build a retirement savings system that is valued by Hong Kong people. Visit our page and learn more about the MPF System.
Cap. 485 Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance - e …
To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click .Please set the page orientation to “Landscape” for printing of bilingual texts on a single page.
The MPFA publishes circulars from time to time to assist industry participants and other stakeholders to understand certain regulatory requirements to ensure compliance. ... This website uses cookies to enhance your user experience.
MPF Fund Platform
There are different types of MPF funds available in the market for scheme members to choose from, according to their risk tolerance level. Scheme members who are unfamiliar with investing or unwilling to spend time to manage their MPF may consider the Default Investment Strategy.
Mandatory Provident Fund - Wikipedia
The Mandatory Provident Fund (Chinese: 強制性公積金), often abbreviated as MPF (強積金), is a compulsory saving scheme (pension fund) for the retirement of residents in Hong Kong. Most employees and their employers are required to contribute monthly to mandatory provident fund schemes provided by approved private organisations ...
【美国进口清关】什么是货物处理费 MPF(Merchandise …
货物处理费(MPF)是美国海关和边境保护局(CBP)对入境美国的大多数进口商品征收的一项服务费用(User fee)。 该费用旨在抵消处理入境货物和维持美国海关业务的相关成本。
MPFA blog - Another major reform – implementation of “full …
2024年10月27日 · The Employees Choice Arrangement, commonly known as MPF “semi-portability”, aims to help the working population actively manage their MPF by allowing them to transfer the accrued benefits derived from employee mandatory contributions for their current job once a year, in one lump sum, to a scheme of their choice.
PSC-CUNY Memorandum of Agreement 2023-2027 - PSC CUNY
We’re proud to announce that the 30,000 faculty and professional staff represented by PSC will receive long-overdue raises, along with other contractual gains, because an overwhelming 90 percent majority of PSC members voted to ratify the new PSC-CUNY contract.
【美国进口清关】什么是货物处理费 MPF(Merchandise …
2025年1月6日 · 货物处理费(MPF)是美国海关和边境保护局(CBP)对入境美国的大多数进口商品征收的一项服务费用(User fee)。 该费用旨在抵消处理入境货物和维持美国海关业务的相关成本。
Year of the Snake: Hongkongers’ MPF investments to face …
2025年1月24日 · The Year of the Snake promises to bring more volatility to investments owned by the 4.7 million members of Hong Kong’s Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF), as they cherish the outstanding returns they...
Bupivacaine: Dosage, Mechanism/Onset of Action, Half-Life
2020年6月19日 · Sensorcaine-MPF Spinal: 0.75% [7.5 mg/mL] (2 mL [DSC]) Pharmacology Mechanism of Action. Blocks both the initiation and conduction of nerve impulses by decreasing the neuronal membrane's permeability to sodium ions, which results in inhibition of depolarization with resultant blockade of conduction. Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics Distribution
The MPFA releases provisional data on MPF investment returns
The MPFA today (9 October) released its provisional data on MPF investment returns as at the end of September 2024. The provisional figures by fund type are as follows:
Authorities and Options for Funding USSOCOM Operations
2014年6月3日 · USSOCOM's MOAs with the MILDEPs should be updated in four key ways: (1) include detailed descriptions of what "Service-common" means to each MILDEP; (2) include a clearly-designated process for resolving disputes at levels lower than the Commander, USSOCOM and senior MILDEP officials (e.g., the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the ...
MPFA blog - MPF achieved favourable performance in 2024 - MPFA
2025年1月12日 · The overall investment performance of the MPF in 2024 was good, achieving an average annual net return of 8.6% 1. Mrs Lau emphasised that the overall average net return of the MPF is a generalized statistic and that the average, highest and lowest figures of each fund type also serve only as references.
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