「強積金供款日」年曆 - 積金局 - MPFA
「強積金供款日」年曆標示年內每個月的強積金供款日,方便僱主及人力資源從業員準時為僱員作出供款。 你亦可輕易地將「強積金供款日」年曆加到你的智能電話或其他行動裝置的電子行事曆中。 開啓行動裝置的日曆,由於你的行動裝置可能已安裝多於一個的行事曆,請在日曆的設定中同步及剔選「強積金供款日」,強積金供款日便會出現在你的行動裝置的日曆上。
Contribution Day - MPFA
According to the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance, the contribution day for monthly-paid employees is the 10th day of each month. Since 10 June falls on a public holiday, the MPF contribution day for May is extended to 11 June (Tuesday).
Employees - MPFA
Generally, for employees who are paid on a monthly basis, the contribution day is the 10th day of each month. For example, contributions for the wage period of September should be paid to trustees* on or before 10 October.
強積金何時需要開始登記和供款,免供款期又是什麼? | Champ …
就像計算僱員的首次供款(MPF First Contribution),不僅要花費不少時間進行處理,更別說會經常或大量僱用短期員工的企業了。 像僱傭條例和強積金有關的各種條例是連HR人員也未必能夠清楚了解的,而當政府對強積金計劃有修改或調整時,亦要了解,否則引起 ...
滙豐強積金 首次供款計算機 - 香港滙豐 - HSBC Hong Kong
Hang Seng MPF offers a number of channels for employers to report MPF contributions effectively, including various electronic methods, MPF Drop-In Boxes at designated Hang Seng Bank branches (for submission for MPF documents, but
Military Personnel - Kirtland Force Support
2025年1月1日 · Military in uniform walk-in hours for DEERS/CACs & All other MPF sections. Mon – Fri: 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Closed: Weekends, Training days (every 3rd Thu of the month), AFGSC Family Days, & Holidays
Merchandise Processing Fee - U.S. Customs and Border Protection
2021年9月14日 · Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) and Preference Program Table Many preference programs provide an MPF exemption. Merchandise Processing Fee Regulations See 19 CFR 24.23(c) for the regulation providing this exemption. MPF Exemption on Unconditionally Free Goods - CSMS message 09-000292
僱員 - 積金局 - MPFA
僱主必須以僱主本身的資金為僱員作強制性供款,並須就每個供款期(一般指糧期)從僱員的有關入息中扣除僱員的供款。 如按日、按周或每半個月支薪一次,僱主須先以每日最高$1,000及最低$280的有關入息水平來計算糧期的上、下限,以釐定供款額。 以按周支薪為例,一星期的日數為七天,因此有關入息上限為 $7,000($1,000 x 7天),下限則為$1,960($280 x 7天)。 如供款日是星期六、公眾假日、烈風/黑色暴雨警告日或積金易平台暫停運作的日子(而暫停對僱主執 …
Mandatory Provident Fund in Hong Kong: A Comprehensive Guide …
You must register your employees under a Mandatory Provident Fund (“MPF”) scheme and make monthly contributions towards it. This article helps you navigate the workings of the MPF system and the different types of MPF schemes available. It also details the method of calculation in respect of MPF contributions.
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