Replacement Pinball Boards for Bally and Stern | AlltekSystems
AlltekSystems is the maker of the Ultimate MPU Replacement Board for pinball machines. We also make many other universal replacement pinball boards including Solenoid, Lamp and Test Cards. Our pinball boards work in most Bally® and Stern® pinball machines.
Ultimate MPU Universal Bally/Stern Board - AlltekSystems
The AlltekSystems Ultimate MPU Universal Bally/Stern Replacement Board is the last computer board you will need in your Bally®/Stern® pinball game. Our MPU board is the best on the market and will keep your game running longer than any other.
2023年3月7日 · mpu、lpu 和 sfu 接口板是一些常见的接口板类型,用于连接主处理单元(mpu)、本地处理单元(lpu)和射频处理单元(sfu)等设备。这些接口板在计算机或通信系统中起到连接和通信的作用。
网络设备单板MPU、LPU、SFU的区别有哪些? - 腾讯云
2023年3月1日 · MPU的全称是Main Processing Unit,即主控板。负责系统的控制平面和管理平面,包括路由计算、设备管理维护、设备监控等。作为系统同步单元,提供高精度、高可靠性的同步时钟和时间信号。主控板就像邮局的管理层,不负责具体的快递处理(包转发)工作。
华为交换机MPU、LPU硬件信息解释 - 51CTO博客
2015年2月5日 · 堆叠: MPU:是主控板的意思LPU:业务板S系列交换机支持最多9台,CE支持16台多堆叠 (1)概念:堆叠istack,是指将多台支持堆叠特性的交换机设备组合在一起,从逻辑上组合成一台交换对于上游和下游设备来说,它们就相当于一台交换机 (2)堆叠的好处:1、高 ...
Gottlieb System 80/A MPU Board, Part #MPU080 - Rottendog
Gottlieb S80/A MPU Board is a plug-and-play replacement board for most Gottlieb S80 and S80A games and works 100% with all licensed Gottlieb products.
MPU Boards & CPU Boards - Pinball Life
Replacement MPU and CPU boards for pinball machines.
AllTek Ultimate Bally & Stern MPU Board - amazon.com
Direct replacement for Bally AS2518-17, AS2518-35, AS2518-133, and Stern MPU-100, and MPU-200 All late model Bally and Stern pinball machine proms preprogrammed in a Single Chip. That is over 90 games on one chip, the most games of any replacement board on the market. Just select the game you want using a dipswitch.
- 评论数: 7
Data East’s MPU/Driver Board 520-50003-01, Part # MPU004
This completely redesigned board replaces Data East MPU / Driver Board part numbers 520-50003-01, 520-50003-02, 520-50003-03 and 520-50003-04. Our boards are plug-and-play compatible with the original board set (assuming the common 512k Game ROM). No special tools or mounting tricks are required and the swap can be done by even the most novice ...
The Pinball Resource
The Ultimate MPU Solenoid Driver Board is a replacement board for Bally/Stern and other Pinball machines. This single board supports over 90 Bally, Stern and other games. The board is from Alltek System .