Correcting effects of MR11 on inventory quantity - SAP Community
As people have increased the use of MR11 the true effect of the process is being noticed with incorrectly high inventory quantities and low MAP. We can reverse the very recent MR11 postings with MR11SHOW, the reverse the PO receipts correctly with a cancellation. Is there a way to correctly the effect of the older MR11 clearings?
MR11 cancellation - SAP Community
We have service entries with multiple 101 material document line items in single Service entry. This was reversed using MR11. Subsequently when MR11 was cancelled, find only few items cancelled. Its like, for 10000 liability reversal thro MR11, only 4000 has got cancelled in MR11SHOW. Request MM experts to clarify pl. Regards, bnv
MR11 - PO is not appearing in MR11 - SAP Community
Hi everybody, Do you know why a PO is not appearing in MR11? It is an old PO (from 2006), however It shows a difference in GRIR clearing account (the GR is made but the invoice is pending) Thank you f
MR11 vs PO - SAP Community
2010年8月13日 · Hi I have a PO with IR document. I did not created the GR. This is not appearing in MR11. Will this type of POs without GR and only with IR will appear in MR11 or not.
Inconsistent (Randomly wrongly joined) results from view …
We are facing an issue in which results shown by MR11 T-code are inconsistent. Main data for this T-code are retrieved from standard view V_CKMLGRIR (EKKO/EKPO/EKBE) and we've discovered that this view is not retrieving the correct information in all cases.
Can anyone help me in executing the T-code MR11 in test mode?
How to execute MR11 in test mode. I cannot see an option in MR11 transaction for test mode