MR21 Accounting Entries? - SAP Community
MR21 is used for a price change for any materail. Once the material is created and some MM movements have been done on that then you wont be in the position to change the price going to MM02. In such case we need to do if via MR21.
Alteração de Preço MR21 depois de mov. de materiais
O pessoal da controladoria quer alterar o custo standard de um material pela MR21 no meio do período e depois que teve movimentação de estoque. O sistema apresenta um "warning" dizendo que o sistema não permite essa alteração. Verifiquei que há a nota sap: sapnote_0000555176 que permite que essa alteração seja feita.
Accounting Entries at the time of MR21 - SAP Community
Accounting Entries at the time of MR21. 2822 Views. Follow RSS Feed Hi All Experts, What accounting ...
Not able to change Standard Price after releasing cost estimate
I am trying to change the standard price for the materiel for which the standard cost estimate is released just now a couple of days back. Now when I am going to do MR21 I am getting below message - Now while doing CK24 on "Release" step particularly I am trying to search for this radio button but I am not getting it.
MR21 - Is there configuration for the screen layout? - SAP …
We want to make the Reference and Document Header Text fields in MR21 mandatory. Is there anywhere in configuration that this can be accomplished?
Peculiar Issue regarding Material Price change T/c MR21.
The transaction Used is MR21. When the document was posted then the system has generated 2 Accounting documents one in Fiscal Yr 2007 and the other in 2008. In 2007 document posting date 31.03.2008 the a/c entry was RM Inventory A/c Debit to Consumption A/c Credit.
No account document generated upon MR21 | SAP Community
My user has actually perform MR21, but no accounting document generated after the change of the valuation cost. This is to change the business model from consignment stock to own stock. What is the t-code to view the posted price change document? Is there any special step required for the changing of the abovementioned business model. Thanks ...
Change price control V to S | SAP Community
Hi there: We wanted to change price control type from V to S and also need to input 20 usd as standard price, so I went ot mm02 to change price control V to S, after that,I used mr21 to update standar
Overflow during arithmetic operation rutime error occured while ...
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