Management Research Group | LEA 360™ Suite Leadership …
MRG provides research-based, actionable leadership assessment tests that are grounded in our belief that given the right tools, people have the ability to grow and succeed. Our assessments inspire positive change in leadership, motivation, personal growth, sales and service.
Certification: Full LEA360 Suite | April 2025
Get certified in MRG’s landmark leadership development tool, the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™ (LEA™) and the full suite of LEA™ assessments, including the LEA 360™, LEA Leadership Impact, LEA Leadership Culture™, LEA Strategic Directions™, and …
Certification Events - Management Research Group - mrg.com
2016年5月28日 · Get certified in MRG’s landmark leadership development tool, the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis™, and its complementary assessments: LEA Strategic Directions™, LEA Role Expectations™, and LEA Leadership Culture™.
from MRG: RECOGNIZING THE UNIFIED SELF FOR OVER 30 YEARS. MRG is a global leader in designing assessments that foster a deep self-awareness and impact people in profound and meaningful ways. The MRG suite of scientifically designed instruments, backed by more than three decades of research, includes solutions for
Web site created using create-react-app. Insights with the power to transform. Unlock potential with assessments that create self-awareness and a roadmap for growth
Resource Hub - Management Research Group
Take advantage of face-to-face or from-your-desk learning opportunities that bring you up to speed on the latest innovations in assessment, update you on leading MRG products, and deliver revelatory research insights.
Science - Our Unique Approach To Assessment Design
BACKED BY 30 YEARS OF RESEARCH, MRG has created a questionnaire design approach unlike any other. Our unique format makes it very difficult for respondents to affect or manipulate results, leading to more meaningful, objective insights.
Let's talk about what MRG can do for you - Management Research …
MRG assessments can make your engagements more effective and dynamic. Let's connect and find out how we can support you, your coaching, and your clients.
Personal Growth & Career Development - Management Research …
Personal Directions® fosters career development and personal growth. As an especially powerful tool for coaching, Personal Directions® also provides important insights during transitions such as high potential development, readiness for new assignments, and pre-retirement planning.
What can MRG do you for? Let's find out. - Management Research …
MRG assessments can make your engagements more effective and dynamic. Let's connect and find out how we can support you, your coaching, and your clients.