MRG-1 - Wikipedia
The MRG-1 Ogonyok (МРГ-1 «Огонёк») is a Soviet remotely-controlled seven-barreled naval 55 mm grenade launcher adopted by the Soviet military in 1971. Its MRG-1 grenades are akin to miniature depth charges .
MRG-1, an autosome-associated protein, silences X-linked genes …
Maternal MRG-1 promotes embryo survival and is required for proliferation and immortality of the primordial germ cells (PGCs). As expected of a chromodomain protein, MRG-1 associates with chromatin. Unexpectedly, it is concentrated on the autosomes and …
mrg-1 Mortality factor related protein 1 [] - National Center for ...
Mortality factor related protein 1. MRG-1 has two distinct functions: chromatin-based transcriptional silencing and preserving genomic integrity at the maintenance stage of primordial germ cells. MRG-1 safeguards germ cells against conversion into neurons.
MRG-1, a mortality factor-related chromodomain protein, is …
2002年6月1日 · We identified MRG-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans chromodomain-containing protein that is similar to the human mortality factor-related gene 15 product (MRG15). RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) of mrg-1 resulted in complete absence of the germline in both hermaphrodite and male adults.
卡西欧G-shock最高端,价比劳力士?金属硬汉MR-G系列介绍_手 …
2021年8月22日 · 1996年10月,第一代全金属MR-G诞生了,那就是MRG-100系列,售价4W日元起,外观设计上采用了贴合手腕的实心金属表带,营造奢华感的球形玻璃,背面加装了防撞减震保护装置,背面还刻有MR-G标志。 左:MRG-100-1(不锈钢),中:MRG-100t-8(钛),右:MRG-100-7(不锈钢) 到了1997年6月,卡西欧出了MRG-100系列的帆布及合成皮革材质表带款. 左:MRG-100B-2(不锈钢),右:MRG-100TB-1(钛) 1997年8月,全金属的配色又新 …
MRG-1 is required for genomic integrity in Caenorhabditis
2012年1月3日 · Here, we report that the chromodomain-containing protein MRG-1 is an important factor for genomic integrity in meiosis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Loss of mrg-1 function resulted in a...
MRG-1, a mortality factor-related chromodomain protein, is …
We identified MRG-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans chromodomain-containing protein that is similar to the human mortality factor-related gene 15 product (MRG15). RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) of mrg-1 resulted in complete absence of the germline in …
MRG‐1 is required for both chromatin‐based transcriptional silencing ...
2019年3月31日 · We investigated the role of the chromodomain protein MRG-1, which is an essential maternal factor for germline development, in transcriptional silencing in PGCs.
MRG-1 is required for both chromatin-based transcriptional …
We investigated the role of the chromodomain protein MRG-1, which is an essential maternal factor for germline development, in transcriptional silencing in PGCs. PGCs lacking maternal MRG-1 showed increased levels of two histone modifications (H3K4me2 and H4K16ac), which are epigenetic markers for active transcription, and precocious activation ...
从多管火箭炮MRG-1到肩扛式DP-61单管火箭炮,苏联海军的特殊 …
2021年9月16日 · 苏联海军在1971年开始装备mrg-1“Огонек”多管火箭炮系统,虽然名字听起来似乎和喀秋莎火箭炮这类装备差不多,但它其实是一款缩小的迷你版火箭炮系统,作战任务也不相同。