Immediate medical attention, special treatment of black pustules and spots on the skin of exposed areas. Ingestion may result in nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhoea. Local necrosis is evidenced by delayed onset of pain and tissue damage a few hours following injection.
化学品安全技术说明书 按照 GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制 壳牌 海得力 (Hydraulic) S1 M 46 800001006774 最初编制日期: 2010.11.04
SAFETY DATA SHEET Shell Hydraulic S1 M 46 Version 1.9 Revision Date 25.01.2024 Print Date 26.01.2024 6 / 16 800001006774 TH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA: Manual of Analytical Methods
Classification and Labelling of Chemical Substances and MSDS Shell Hydraulic S1 M 46 Version 1.11 Revision Date 2023.12.29 Print Date 2024.07.27 1 / 17 800001006774 KR 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Shell Hydraulic S1 M 46 Product code : 001D7740 Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use
Technical Data Sheet Shell Tellus S1 M 46 • Reliable Protection • Industrial Applications Industrial Hydraulic Fluid Shell Tellus S1 M 46 is a quality anti-wear hydraulic fluid which provides cost effective and reliable protection.
SAFETY DATA SHEET Shell Hydraulic S1 M 46 Version 1.2 Revision Date 15.07.2019 Print Date 16.07.2019 3 / 15 800001006774 ID If swallowed : In general no treatment is necessary unless large quantities
135 / Shell (China) Limited Shell (China) Limited / 136 壳牌海得力 S1 M 32/46/68 在正常工作条件和标准换油周期下,可为大部分制造设备和移动设
MSDS Shell Hydraulic S1 M46 | Download Free PDF - Scribd
Shell Hydraulic S1 M 46 is an industrial hydraulic fluid that provides reliable protection and performance for most industrial and mobile applications. It has good oxidation resistance, anti-wear performance, air release and anti-foam properties.
Chemical nature : Highly refined mineral oils and additives. The highly refined mineral oil contains <3% (w/w) DMSO-extract, according to IP346. General advice : Not expected to be a health hazard when used under normal conditions.
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